Figure 1: Trend in the number of road traffic fatalities in the EU
Figure 2: Preliminary number of road fatalities per million inhabitants by country, 2022
Figure 3: Collision matrix (all roads)

Collision matrix (all roads)
Figure 4: Collision matrix (urban roads only)

Collision matrix (urban roads only)
Recent reports on the European Road Safety Observatory
- Updated road safety country profiles for EU-27 and 3 EFTA countries
- Updated Facts and Figures on a range of road safety topics including on buses, cyclists, pedestrians, seniors, powered-two-wheelers
- Thematic reports on mopeds, motorcycles and professional drivers (forthcoming)
Preliminary road fatality data for the Western Balkan region, 2022
The Transport Community has published similar preliminary data on road fatalities for 2022 for the Western Balkans’ regional participants.