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Assistance, guidance and support for the launch of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General

Invitation to tender – Negotiated procedureAssistance, guidance and support for the launch of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and...


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Assistance, guidance and support for the launch of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General

Invitation to tender – Negotiated procedure

Assistance, guidance and support for the launch of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations)

No ECHO-A1-NP-2018-18

Ex-ante publicity for the low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission would like to procure services of an independent expert (or company, university, etc.) in aerial firefighting field to assist, guide and support the team in charge with the preparation of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for DG ECHO. The services of the winning tenderer will consist of drafting the tender specifications in the first stage, providing advice on questions submitted during the publication period of the call for tenders by potential tenderers in the second stage and, provided that there will be offer/s submitted for the call for tenders, the support to the Evaluation Committee in the third stage.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to ECHO-CIVIL-PROTECTION-TENDERSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ECHO-CIVIL-PROTECTION-TENDERS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) no later than 27 June 2018, 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 2 July 2018