- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- Deadline date
- Opening of tenders
Gathering of additional data on EU combined transport (costs and transhipments)
Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract between EUR 15,000.00 and EUR 60,000.00
All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to MOVE-TENDER-D1ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MOVE-TENDER-D1[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) by 11.07.2016 midnight.
Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum three economic operators directly invited by the Commission.
Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 12.07.2016