- transport policy | air transport
- Thursday 11 October 2012, 02:00 - Friday 12 October 2012, 02:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 11 October 2012, 02:00 - Friday 12 October 2012, 02:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
High Level Conference
Single European Sky : time for action
Limassol, Cyprus
11-12 October 2012
The European Commission and the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union have great pleasure in inviting you to participate in a high level conference on the "Single European Sky : time for action" which will take place on 11th and 12th of October 2012 in Limassol. The venue is to be the Limassol Grand Resort Hotel - Amathus Area, Cyprus.
Since the adoption of the revised legal framework establishing the Single European Sky (SES II) in 2009, the necessary rules required to govern the provision of air navigation services from a network wide perspective were agreed in accordance with the initial timetable. The time for full implementation of the second package has come, with 2012 being a pivotal year for the Single European Sky.
The key enablers making the biggest contributions to delivery, such as the Performance Scheme for air navigation services, the Network Manager, Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs), and the SESAR programme are all on-going. However, with many work threads so finely balanced, for instance the establishment of FABs by December 2012 and finalising the governance structure for SESAR deployment, it is apposite that we ensure all deliver on time.
In this context, the Limassol conference "Single European Sky : time for action" will be the right forum for having a strategic discussion concerning progress with SES and next steps. It will identify the conditions for a successful and timely implementation process and scenarios for the consolidation of the current SES regulatory framework. The conference will enable a high level discussion involving representatives from the whole ATM community.
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General information
- Session 1 - P. Griffiths - Moderator
- Session 1 - K. Kratky - Keynote Speaker
- Session 1 - P. Schwach - Keynote Speaker
- Session 2 - A. Charlton - Moderator
- Session 2 - A. Husain Khan - Keynote Speaker
- Session 2 - D. Weder - Keynote Speaker
- Session 3 - M. Ruete - Moderator
- Session 3 - M. Garbini - Keynote Speaker
- Session 3 - M. Hamy - Keynote Speaker
- Session 4 - Prof. M. Finger - Moderator
- Session 4 - M. Castelletti - Keynote Speaker
- Session 4 - C. Falk Hansen - Keynote Speaker
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