- transport policy | intelligent transport system
- Tuesday 29 March 2011, 02:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 29 March 2011, 02:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Traffic and travel information: access to public data for digital road maps
135-137 rue du Midi, 1000 Brussels
29 March 2011 – 10.00–17.15
Currently, the European Commission is conducting a study regarding the availability of accurate public data for digital maps and their timely updating through cooperation between relevant public bodies and digital map providers. Objective of this workshop is to review the interim results (consultation and state-of-the-art study) with stakeholders and discuss the possible role for European action to ensure fair, simple and transparent access for digital map providers to accurate public road data.
An increasing number of ITS applications rely on the availability of accurate digital maps describing the road network geometry, topology and traffic related map attributes such as traffic regulations. A key pillar of the ITS Action Plan (COM(2008) 886) is the definition of the necessary requirements to make such data that is owned by public authorities, available to digital map producers.
To register please send your name, organisation and contact details together with the keywords "Digital Maps Workshop" to move-itsec [dot] europa [dot] eu (move-its[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) until 22 March 2011.
Related documents
Conference material
Welcome - Gzim Ocakoglu, European Commission, DG MOVE
Digital Road Map Data: The European Agenda - Gilles Carabin, European Commission, DG MOVE
Future Road Mapping Needs - Tom van de Ven, Rapp Trans
New Data Collection and Fusion Technology - Stephen T’Siobbel, TomTom
ROSATTE Framework - Maxime Flament, ERTICO
Introduction to the Study - Tom van de Ven, Rapp Trans
Results of the Online Survey - James Long, Rapp Trans
Synthesis of State-of-the-Art Study - Tom van de Ven, Rapp Trans
Shifting Role of a Regional Transport Authority - Helen Cansick, Transport for London
Best Practises and Lessons Learned - GIP Austria - Helge Molin, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology - BMVIT
Best Practises and Lessons Learned - Swedish Solution - Ingemar Halvorsen, Trafikverket
INSPIRE Framework - Michael Lutz, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Workshop Conclusions -Tom van de Ven, Rapp Trans