The proposal for a European Declaration on Cycling, adopted today by the European Commission, recognises cycling as a sustainable, accessible and inclusive, affordable and healthy means of transport, with strong added value for the EU economy. It lists principles to boost cycling that will guide future action in the EU. Clear commitments, such as safe and coherent cycling networks in cities, better links with public transport, secure parking spaces, the deployment of charging points for e-bikes and bike highways connecting cities with rural areas, are necessary to improve the quality, quantity, continuity and attractiveness of cycling infrastructure across all Member States.
Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: "Safety is a prerequisite to encourage cycling, as cyclists are vulnerable - 9% of road accident fatalities in the EU are cyclists. Alongside safer infrastructure such as separated cycle paths, all elements of the Safe System approach should apply to both bikes and cars. These include safe speeds and road use, and proper enforcement of road traffic rules. Additionally, to safety, this Declaration will help stimulate high-quality jobs, including in training and cycling tourism. In 2022, a total of 14.7 million bicycles were produced in the EU, a 29% increase from 2012 to 2022."
The Cycling Declaration was adopted today in the context of the Urban Mobility Days in Seville, and as part of the wider efforts in road safety, such as the UN-JC Decaux Road Safety Campaign.
The proposed principles will help the EU achieve its European Green Deal, Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and Zero Pollution Action Plan objectives. In terms of funding, the European Commission will continue to support cycling via the Social Climate Fund, European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Technical Support Instrument, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
As a next step, the European Parliament and the Council will be able to review the text and add further commitments where necessary to enhance the implementation of this non-binding Declaration, which will be eventually signed by all three institutions.

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- European Declaration on Cyclingslovenščina
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- European Declaration on Cyclingsvenska
- Publication date
- 4 October 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport