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Mobility and Transport
  • News article
  • 14 May 2019
  • Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
  • 1 min read

Insights for sustainable and competitive rail infrastructure management

PRIME, the European Network of Rail Infrastructure Managers published today its second internal benchmarking report based on 2012-2017 data from 15 organisations. It includes 49 selected key performance indicators (KPIs) in various performance dimensions, such as punctuality, costs, resilience, sustainable development and safety.

In 2017, 77% of total train-km in the peer group was performed by electricity powered trains. 91% of their passenger trains were on time, while the same indicator for freight trains was much lower - 68%. Average annual revenues from track access charges were EUR 61 thousand and operational expenditures EUR 88 thousand per main track-kilometre. Both indicators have been relatively stable over the time for most participants. The average yearly capital expenditure was EUR 119 thousand per main track-kilometre. Safety performance varies broadly. More indicators and information on individual performance can be found in the report.

The work was initiated and carried out with the support of the European Commission. For Infrastructure managers, it is above all, an internal benchmarking exercise with the aim of learning from each other. The purpose of the report is to illustrate the current performance of rail infrastructure and identify areas for further analysis.

In addition, PRIME members hope that the report would provide food for thought also to stakeholders, researchers, economists and policy makers. The general objective for the project is to deliver insight and inspiration for better decisions on developing a sustainable and competitive rail infrastructure management which provides high quality services.

PRIME remains committed to continue and develop this work by fostering accountability, transparency and, ultimately – performance, for the benefit of its customers.


Publication date
14 May 2019
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport