The European Commission welcomes the final adoption today by the Council of two "Europe on the Move" – initiatives: on trade facilitation in maritime transport and clean vehicles in public procurement.
The proposal to establish a European Maritime Single Window environment replaces and improves the current Reporting Formalities Directive. The new, fully harmonised reporting environment for ships will significantly reduce the administrative burden on the maritime sector, improving its competitiveness. The Regulation will improve interoperability between economic operators and authorities, facilitating the exchange of data and avoiding requesting the same information twice.
The proposal to reform the Clean Vehicles Directive mobilises public procurement for the decarbonisation of our transport, giving a solid boost to the deployment of clean mobility solutions. The proposed Directive introduces a definition of clean vehicles and sets minimum targets for their public procurement in each Member State.
The European Parliament adopted both initiatives on April 18. The two texts will enter into force in the coming months.
- Publication date
- 13 June 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport