TEN-T Days 2016: Stimulating innovative investment in transport infrastructure
Today and tomorrow, Ministers from 22 European Union Member States and over 2,800 transport experts and CEOs will join the 2016 edition of the high-level transport conference "TEN-T Days" in Rotterdam. This edition will cover the development, implementation and financing of the Trans-European Transport Network, with a particular focus on the Commission's Investment Plan for Europe .
The Commission will be represented by Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen, Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, and EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc.
Commissioner Bulc said, "Only days after we allocated €6.7 billion to priority projects as part of the Connecting Europe Facility, the TEN-T Days offer another opportunity to mobilise funding for transport investments. Implementing the Trans-European Transport is not only about building new infrastructure, it also serves our broader objectives such as the decarbonisation and digitalisation of transport."
On 20 June, EU Transport Ministers will be presented with work plans highlighting progress on the nine Core Network Corridors and identifying mature, promising projects for investments. The Ministers are also expected to affirm their strong commitment to TEN-T implementation and investment by endorsing the so-called "Declaration of Rotterdam".
On 21 June, and for the first time with this edition, a dedicated "Investors Conference" will explore how to make the best use of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and other sources of funding, in order to boost transport investment and to deliver smarter, better and safer mobility for all Europeans.
On the same day, Commissioners Hahn and Bulc will meet with representatives from Turkey and countries from the Mediterranean, Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans to discuss common transport infrastructure maps for all neighbouring regions.
For more information
- https://www.tentdays.eu/2016/
- The EU at work to bridge the investment gap in transport and stimulate the European economy [MEMO/16/2196]
- Results of the second calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility [IP/16/2198]
- Memo on EFSI and transport funding
- Issues Papers of European coordinators
The Investment Plan for Europe: transport sector
- Mobilising funds for transport in Europe – Toolkit for stakeholders
- Transport Sector factsheet – May 2016
Examples of EFSI –financed projects in the transport sector
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- Rotterdam Declaration
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- Photo reportage (European Commission Audiovisual services): TEN-T Days 2016 Rotterdam
- Publication date
- 22 September 2016
- Author
- Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport