Permanent email address
frank [dot] d [dot] zammitgov [dot] mt (frank[dot]d[dot]zammit[at]gov[dot]mt) / marion [dot] sammut
gov [dot] mt (marion[dot]sammut[at]gov[dot]mt) / baai
gov [dot] mt (baai[at]gov[dot]mt)
Legal basis
Technical investigations following accidents and/or serious incidents are carried out by the Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation (BAAI) in Malta. This body performs its functions independently in compliance with Council Directive 94/56/EC
ENCASIA member
Captain Frank Zammit
Military investigations
There is no formal arrangement to deal with accidents/incidents when both civil and military are involved.
On duty 24/7 Number
+356 9938 2725
Bureau of Air Accident Investigation (BAAI) :