Information for potential EU AVSEC validators - European Commission Skip to main content
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Information for potential EU AVSEC validators

EU aviation security validations may only be carried out by legal entities or individuals who have been approved as an EU aviation security validator by the appropriate authority of an EU Member State. Appropriate authorities may also provide...


EU aviation security validations may only be carried out by legal entities or individuals who have been approved as an EU aviation security validator by the appropriate authority of an EU Member State. Appropriate authorities may also provide capacity for validations themselves and have them undertaken in their name and by own staff.

Every individual performing EU aviation security validations needs to have appropriate competence and background and needs to comply with the following:

  • Have been subjected to and passed a background check;
  • Perform validations impartially and objectively, understand the meaning of independence and apply methods to avoid situations of conflict of interest;
  • Have sufficient theoretical knowledge of and practical experience in the field of quality control as well as respective skills and personal attributes to collect, record and assess findings based on a checklist;
  • Provide proof of appropriate competence based on training and/or a minimum work experience in the fields of
    • general aviation security principles of the EU and ICAO;
    • air cargo and mail security related principles and how they are applied to operations; and
    • security technologies and techniques relevant for the validation process; and
  • Undergo recurrent training.

A validator will only be considered as approved when her/his details are listed in the EU database . Approved EU aviation security validators are recognized in all EU Member States and may conduct validations of every air carrier and cargo handling entity seeking approval or designation according to the EU system for air cargo and mail from non-EU countries. The approval as EU aviation security validator expires after a maximum period of 5 years.

Actions to take

In order to become an EU aviation security validator, it is recommended to contact the appropriate authority of an EU Member State. If you are an EU national or living in the EU, you are advised to contact the appropriate authority of the Member State of your nationality or your place of residence. If you are not an EU national and living outside the EU you are advised to contact the appropriate authority of the Member State which is suitable for you, for whichever reason.

The appropriate authority can provide you with more details concerning the approval requirements and can provide you with a list of approved training courses.

The basic security requirements for cargo and mail from non-EU countries may be found in the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 1082/2012 . Chapter 11.6 contains the requirements concerning EU aviation security validation.