This country bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia is considered as part of the modern Silk way and aviation is an important link bringing together this part of the world with the EU.
A horizontal agreement with Azerbaijan was signed on 7 July 2009. This agreement allows any EU airline to operate flights between Azerbaijan and any EU Member State where it is established and where a bilateral agreement with Azerbaijan exists and traffic rights are available. It does not replace the bilateral agreements but adapts them to bring them into line with EU law. This is a major step change from the traditional set-up of aviation based on nationality restrictions and complements the EU's internal aviation market on the external side.
On 6 October 2011 the European Commission obtained the authorisation from the Council to negotiate an EU-level aviation agreement with Azerbaijan as proposed by the Commission in 2011. The first round of negotiations took place on 24-25 January 2013 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and the second round in Brussels on 4-5 July 2017 being followed very quickly by a successful third round on 24-25 of October 2017 in Baku. At the Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels on 24 November 2017, leaders expressed their support for a swift completion of negotiations.
For further information and figures on EU-Azerbaijan aviation relations and EU aviation in general, please consult the Atlas of the Sky."