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Mobility and Transport

Qatar is a close aviation partner of the European Union. The EU-Qatar market is among the fastest growing air transport markets and EU passengers make up a significant share of all passengers to and from Qatar.

In 2016, the European Commission obtained the authorisation from the Council to negotiate an EU-level aviation agreement with Qatar to further enhance the already close aviation relationship as proposed in the ambitious external aviation policy put forward with the 2015 Aviation Strategy for Europe. Negotiations were finalized in February 2018 and the draft EU-Qatar Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement is to be initialled and presented to the Council.

In 2017, Qatar signed agreements with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the SESAR Joint Undertaking to deepen cooperation on aviation safety and air traffic management modernisation.

For further information and figures on EU-Qatar aviation relations and EU aviation in general, please consult the Atlas of the Sky.


External Relations with Qatar