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The InvestEU Fund supports private and public investments in four policy areas which represent important priorities for the Union and bring high EU added value. 

Programme name


Objective(s) and scope

The InvestEU Fund supports private and public investments in four policy areas which are identified as priorities for the European Union. These include the following:

  • Sustainable infrastructure (clean and sustainable transport modes,
  • equipment, deployment of innovative technologies, etc.)
  • Research, innovation and digitisation
  • Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs)
  • Social investment and skills

These four main areas may cover strategic investments including Important Projects of Common European Interest to support beneficiaries whose activities are of strategic importance to the EU, in particular in view of the green and digital transitions, of enhanced resilience and of strengthening strategic value chains. 

The InvestEU Fund is implemented through financial partners (‘implementing partners’) that invest in supporting sustainable investment, innovation and job creation in Europe, benefitting from the protection of EU budget guarantee.

Type of finance provider


Administering body

Implementing partners: European Investment Bank (EIB), The European Investment Fund (EIF), The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Caisse des Dépôts (CDC), Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Bpifrance (BPI), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), Invest-NL, Garantiqa, PMV, Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB), Národní rozvojová banka / National Development Bank (NRB).

Financing product


Financing value

EUR 26.2 billion 

Eligible countries

EU Member States, Iceland and Norway

Eligibility criteria (if available)

The eligible recipients are defined as natural or legal persons established in an EU country or in a Third Eligible Country, including:

  • Private entities such as special-purpose vehicles (SPV) or project companies, large corporates, midcap companies, including small midcap companies, and SMEs
  • Public sector entities (territorial or not) and public-sector type entities
  • Mixed entities, such as public–private partnership (PPPs) and private companies with a public purpose
  • Non-for-profit organisations

Eligibility criteria apply for projects fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Address market failures or investment gaps and be economically viable
  • Need EU backing in order to get off the ground
  • Achieve a multiplier effect and where possible crowd-in private investment
  • Help meet EU policy objectives

Further information on eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria are defined in the InvestEU Regulation and in the Investment Guidelines (Investment guidelines for the InvestEU Fund)

Further information on eligibility criteria: FAQ about the InvestEU Fund

Application period

No deadline - Permanently open 

Technology type

Not specified 

Technology readiness level (TRL)


Additional information

What activities are financed?

Further information on the four main policy areas that are supported by InvestEU can be accessed here: About the InvestEU Fund - European Union (

How to apply for finance?

  • Project promoters to apply directly to implementing partners to explore suitable financing solutions based on the financial products supported by the EU guarantee.
  • Financial intermediaries also to consult the offering of implementing partners active in the relevant regions.

Further information from advisory partners for project promoters and intermediaries can be found here: InvestEU Advisory Hub - European Union (

  • Small mid-caps, SMEs and social or micro-enterprises to apply to their local commercial or public banks who whose financial products are covered by the EU guarantee in their country or region. The local intermediary will inform them if a particular financing programme is covered by the InvestEU Fund.
General publications18 June 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided in this toolbox regarding private financing products has been gathered from publicly accessible sources. The content is for informational purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. It cannot be construed either as financial advice. Please consult with a financial advisor or professional for specific financial guidance on the products referred to in this toolbox.

How can I inform about additional financing products to be included in the Portal?
Please fill in this template with relevant information and links to the products, then send it by email to MOVE-SHIP-FINANCING-PORTALatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MOVE-SHIP-FINANCING-PORTAL[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). Information provided not using the template will not be considered. Please note that this email address is only used to inform about additional products or relevant updates to the information contained in the portal. The European Commission will not reply to questions about the information published in the portal sent to this email address.