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Mobility and Transport

Sustainable Transport Forum (STF)

Purpose and structure

Following the adoption of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, on 23 April 2015 the European Commission set up a group of experts, the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF), defining its tasks and structure by means of Commission Decision C(2015)2583 (the “STF establishment decision").

The STF was set up to assist the Commission in implementing the Union’s activities and programmes aimed at fostering the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure to contribute to the European Union energy and climate goals. The STF serves as a platform for structural dialogue, exchange of technical knowledge, cooperation and coordination between Union Member States and relevant public and private stakeholders.

While the STF was set up for an initial duration of around five and a halve years, ending on 31 December 2020, the European Commission extended the STF until 31 December 2030, by means of Commission Decision C(2020)8535 (the “STF renewal decision”).

The STF operates with the following structure: a plenary, a secretariat, and non-permanent technical sub-groups to further develop the actions outlined in the STF renewal decision.

Key tasks

The STF’s main tasks include:

  1. to assist the Commission in the preparation of policy initiatives in the field of sustainable mobility, and alternative transport fuels and infrastructure policy in particular;
  2. to assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts under Directive 2014/94/EU;
  3. to establish cooperation/coordination between the Commission and Member States or stakeholders on questions relating to the implementation of Union legislation, programmes and policies in the field of alternative transport fuels and infrastructure policy;
  4. to assist the Commission in the early preparation of implementing acts, before submission to the relevant committee in accordance with Regulation (EU) No182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council; and
  5. to bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of alternative transport fuels, and infrastructure in particular.

As part of these tasks, the group shall in particular, upon request of the Commission:

  1. provide advice and technical expertise to the Commission on the development and implementation of future proof and innovation friendly legislation, policies, projects and programmes in the field of alternative transport fuels and infrastructure in particular, for example in the form of opinions, reports or analyses, and contribute towards an energy-efficient, decarbonised transport sector;
  2. facilitate exchanges of information on initiatives, projects and partnerships dealing with alternative transport fuels and infrastructure.

STF Composition

The STF plenary is composed of up to 60 members, of which at least 30 seats are reserved for Member States and other public entities, such as third countries’ authorities, including candidate countries’ authorities, Union bodies, offices or agencies and international organisations. The remaining 30 (or less) seats are open for expert organisations (Type C members) active in or working on sustainable mobility. Such organisations may in particular include environmental, mobility, consumer and civil society organisations, producers or suppliers of alternative fuels, manufacturers of alternative fuels vehicles, vessels, aircraft or related transport infrastructure, relevant transport operators and users, alternative fuels infrastructure operators and users, mobility services providers, academia or research and innovation organisations, standardisation bodies and, in each case, where applicable, by preference their sector or industry interest organisations at EU level. These organisations must be selected and appointed following an open call for applications. Importantly, the STF can also set up sub-groups, to advice on specific matters of alternative fuels policy.

Current Membership

STF Plenary

The membership of the STF plenary was newly appointed on  7  February  2023. Current members of the STF plenary are the 27 EU Member States, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the International Transport Forum (ITF), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and 30 member-organisations with specific expertise in alternative fuels, selected on the basis of a call for applications. A full overview of the membership and invited observers, including the relevant appointment decision by the Director General of DG MOVE, can be found on this page: Re-establishment of the Sustainable Transport Forum membership – appointment decision.

In practice, the STF carries out most of its activities through a  number  of  sub-groups  which  gather concrete expertise on different topics around alternative fuels policy, technology, digitalisation and standardisation. An overview of the currently active STF sub-groups can be found at the bottom of this page.


The previous STF composition was made up of four sub-groups dealing with:  i) Implementation  of  alternative  fuel  legislation  within Member  States,  ii) Governance and standards, iii) Data and iv) Cooperation with public authorities. Since 2024, in view of the new Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) and its upcoming implementation needs, three new STF sub-groups were set-up to particularly address the needs with regards to: i) hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for road transport vehicles, ii) recharging and refuelling infrastructure for zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), and iii) European Union (EU) Public Key infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem management.

The following graph provides a summary of previously existing sub-groups (orange), and new sub-groups set-up in 2024 (green).

STF sub-groups

Active sub-groups

Access to Resources and Contact Information

The Register of Commission Expert Groups provides valuable information on the STF expert group (E03321), including full transparency on current sub-groups and members.

For inquiries regarding the Sustainable Transport Forum, please contact: MOVE-STFatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MOVE-STF[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

Relevant documents


Documents regarding the expert group organisation