The European Commission is preparing a strategic framework for transport research, innovation and deployment, based on the White Paper's vision for an integrated, efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly European transport system by 2050. The first proposals for this framework are presented in a Communication entitled "Research and innovation for Europe's future mobility" adopted in September 2012.
The Communication summarises the achievements of the European transport sector in research and innovation, outlines remaining issues and presents ideas for better serving the needs of European citizens and businesses. The Commission aspires to facilitate coordination of public and private research and innovation efforts across Europe. Addressing the challenge of deploying innovative transport solutions is of particular interest.
The Communication is accompanied by a Staff Working Document outlining initiative research and innovation areas seen to have considerable potential in the future. They form the basis for the preparation of roadmaps for each of the leading-edge technologies identified, which will cover the full innovation chain, from research until market uptake and deployment.
Two scientific papers prepared by the Commission's Joint Research Centre provided the scientific analysis for the preparation of the Communication and the Staff Working Document. The first paper presents the state of the art in transport technologies; the second one analyses the innovation capacities of the European transport sector.