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Mobility and Transport

Group of experts on horizontal social issues in transport (E03732)

The expert group, composed of Member States' authorities (from both transport authorities and the lead department in the Member States for the topic discussed, e.g. employment authorities, gender equality bodies), provides a forum to strengthen dialogue amongst and with Member States on horizontal social issues in transport. The European sectoral social partners from the transport sector are invited as observers to most parts of the meetings.

All meeting agendas, presentations and minutes are published in the Register of Commission Expert Groups under ‘Meetings’.

The meetings focused on the following subjects:

  • Meeting 7 – 19/11/2024: Update on the Social Climate Fund; Trends, challenges and opportunities in the EU transport labour market; Publication of DG MOVE’s equality mainstreaming handbook;
  • Meeting 6 – 29/05/2024: DG MOVE’s equality mainstreaming handbook; labour shortages in transport (participatory conference on labour market developments and labour shortages; Action Plan on labour and skills shortages in the EU; Commission Recommendation (EU) 2023/2611 of 15 November 2023 on the recognition of qualifications of third-country nationals; presentation of good practices); implementation of the Social Climate Fund;
  • Meeting 5 – 30/11/2023: Labour shortages in transport (presentation of good practices; Eurobarometer on Skills shortages, recruitment and retention strategies in small and medium-sized enterprises; EU Talent Pool); Commission Recommendation (EU) 2024/236 of 29 November 2023 on means to address the impact of automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce; 
  • Meeting 4 – 26/04/2023: Labour shortages in transport (presentation of good practices); European Year of Skills; Diversity Ambassadors in Transport; Stakeholder conference on means to mitigate the impact of the transition to automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce; Access to transport for all (Social Climate Fund, transport poverty);
  • Meeting 3 – 08/11/2022: Labour shortages in transport (Eurofound study on Tackling labour shortages in EU Member States; presentation of good practices); Update on women in transport/equality matters; draft key elements of the future Commission Recommendation on means to address the impact of automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce; The social dimension of the future EU transport system regarding users and passengers;
  • Meeting 2 – 05/04/2022: The social dimension of the transition to automation and digitalisation in transport, focusing on the labour force; Skills for the digital and green transitions; The social dimension of the future EU transport system regarding users and passengers; Update on women in transport/equality matters;
  • Meeting 1 – 10/11/2021: Approval of the rules of procedure; Study on the social dimension of the transition to automation and digitalisation in transport, focusing on the labour force; Increasing the attractiveness of the transport sector (‘Women in Transport – Platform for Change’; Study on good staff scheduling and rostering practices in transport; Educational toolkits to help fight gender stereotypes in school – based on the example of the transport sector).