Urban mobility and climate-neutral cities - European Commission
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Urban mobility and climate-neutral cities

One of the key elements of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy is to ensure at least 100 climate-neutral European cities by 2030. To facilitate a green transition in the area of urban mobility and transport, cities should make the best use of available technological and policy solutions for zero-emission mobility, including exploring synergies with renewable energy generation, storage and communities. 

City authorities should use all possible instruments at their disposal, in particular public procurement, concessions or licence and grant award procedures, to accelerate the greening of public transport and fleets, including shared mobility and rental vehicles, delivery vehicles and taxi- and private hire vehicle (PHV) services.

The transition to climate neutrality will be developed and demonstrated in practice by the 112 pioneer cities involved in the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. Not only have these pioneer cities committed to become climate-neutral by 2030, they will also act as experimentation and innovation hubs to enable all European cities to follow suit by 2050. Urban mobility will be at the heart of this challenge. The Horizon Europe work programmes will include a set of research and innovation actions that will help to lay the foundations for the implementation of the Mission, including key areas such as public transport.

Find out more: https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-europe/eu-missions-horizon-europe/climate-neutral-and-smart-cities_en