IMPORTANT NOTICE: In case of doubt the paper version takes precedence
Contracts value less than EUR 60.000
Specific contracts under MOVE framework contract
Specific contracts under DG MOVE-ENER-SRD framework contracts
- Framework contract 2010-01/MOVE/ENER/SRD.6 Lot 1: Information and communication services in the field of information products, multimedia design and interactive web services
- Framework contract 2010-01/MOVE/ENER/SRD.6 Lot 2: Information and communication services in the field of information and communication services in audiovisual
Specific contracts under DG TREN framework contracts
- Framework contract TREN/J2/388-2007: Aviation security policy development
- Framework contract TREN/R1/350-2008: Multiple framework contract relating to legal, economic and technical assistance work in the fields of energy and transport
- Framework contract TREN/G4/FV-2008/475: Framework contract to provide technical, legal and organisational support for the implementation of the ITS action plan
- Framework contract TREN/F3/424/2008: Prevention and Technical Assistance projects in the framework of the EU Regulation 2111/2005 EC
- Framework contract TREN/F1/289-2009: Framework contract to provide support for the further development of EU air transport policy in relations with third countries and within the internal air transport market
- Framework contract TREN/A1/31-1-2009: Energy modelling for the period up to 2050
- Framework contract 2009-1/TREN-P2: Multiple framework contract for the organisation of events and exhibitions
Specific contracts under DG MOVE-ENER-SRD framework contract:
Specific contracts under DG TREN framework contracts:
- Framework contract TREN/G4/FV-2008/475: Framework contract to provide technical, legal and organisational support for the implementation of the ITS action plan
- Framework contract TREN/F2/2009/169-1: Second framework contract to finance the Memorandum of Cooperation with Eurocontrol for the implementation of Single European Sky and other Community policies
- Framework contract TREN F2/395-2008: Framework contract to provide expertise and technical, managerial and logistic support to the implementation of the Single European Sky in South East Europe (ISIS Programme)
- Framework contract TREN/F3/424/2008: Prevention and Technical Assistance projects in the framework of the EU Regulation 2111/2005 EC
- Framework contract TREN/R1/350-2008: Multiple framework contract relating to legal, economic and technical assistance work in the fields of energy and transport
- Framework contract TREN/J2/388-2007: Naviation security policy development
- Multiple framework contract TREN/A2/143-2007 lot 2 - Transport with reopened competition for Impact Assessments and evaluations (ex-ante, intermediate and ex-posts)
Low Value contracts: Less than 60 000 euro
Services: Official Journal ...
Supplies: Official Journal ...
Specific contracts under DG TREN framework contracts:
- Framework contract N° TREN/G4/FV-2008/475: Framework contract to provide technical, legal and organisational support for the implementation of the ITS action plan
- Framework contract N° TREN/A2/143-2007: Multiple framework contract with reopened competition for Impact Assessments and evaluations (ex-ante, intermediate and ex-posts)
- Framework contract N° TREN/F2/20-1/2007: Contrat-cadre en vue d'apporter une assistance technique à l'organe consultatif de branche du ciel unique européen (gestion du trafic aérien)
- Framework contract TREN/F2/2009/169-1: Second framework contract to finance the Memorandum of Cooperation with Eurocontrol for the implementation of Single European Sky and other Community policies
- Framework contract N° TREN F2/395-2008: Framework contract to provide expertise and technical, managerial and logistic support to the implementation of the Single European Sky in South East Europe (ISIS Programme)
- Framework contract N° TREN/F3/424/2008: Prevention and Technical Assistance projects in the framework of the EU Regulation 2111/2005 EC
- Framework contract N° TREN/F4/43-2006: framework contract to provide legal, socio-economic and technical support for bi-lateral and multi-lateral relations between the EU and third countries in the field of air transport
- Framework contract N° TREN/G3/318-2008: Advisors contract to the EC on the European GNSS Programmes
- Framework contract N° TREN/R1/350-2008: Multiple framework contract relating to legal, economic and technical assistance work in the fields of energy and transport
- Framework contract TREN-R3/Lot n°1: framework contract for the provision of design, drafting and translation of information products and promotional material in print and electronic format
Low Value contracts: Less than 60 000 euro
O.J. S 57-075971 Services
O.J. S 34-040435 Services
O.J. S 34-040407 Supplies
O.J. S 49-046698 Services
O.J. S 49-046694 Supplies