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Mobility and Transport
EU transport 5 years on

Key achievements and highlights 2019-2024

The agenda for the 2019-2024 mandate was set by the Commission’s adoption of the European Green Deal in December 2019. It tasked the EU with cutting transport emissions by 90% by 2050. Numerous legislative proposals have followed, putting the EU on a path to that target. But sustainability was not the sole focus of this mandate. Other activities have sought to fully exploit digital technologies for greater efficiency, safety and convenience; to show solidarity with Ukraine; to support the EU’s transport sector as it recovered from the impacts of COVID-19; and create the very best conditions for Europe’s travelling public and transport workers. This website presents highlights from the last 4.5 years from the Commission’s work to create a sustainable, smart, safe and resilient transport network.

Commissioner Valean

As my term concludes, I am honoured to reflect on the remarkable strides we've made in advancing mobility and transport across Europe. With over 90% of our Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy initiatives either completed or ongoing, and more than €37 billion invested in over 1,500 projects, we've transformed the transportation landscape. From expanding railway networks to enhancing maritime infrastructure and accelerating the adoption of clean energy solutions, our collective efforts have yielded tangible results. The establishment of green lanes proved indispensable in safeguarding the Single Market amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, while initiatives like RefuelEU Aviation and FuelEU Maritime underscore our steadfast commitment to environmentally responsible transportation. By championing better passenger rights enforcement, or pioneering the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes, which has allowed Ukraine to export around 126 Mt of goods, we've not only strengthened economies but also exemplified the spirit of solidarity. With landmark agreements such as the extension of our transport network or the road transport agreements, transport stands as a cornerstone of Moldova and Ukraine's journey towards European integration. I am filled with optimism for the future of mobility in Europe.

Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean

The mandate in figures

Over 90% of the 82 initiatives
Of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy are either completed or ongoing
Over €14 billion
Of the Connecting Europe Facility for transport has been allocated to over 500 projects
More than €9.5 billion
Has been invested in the modernisation of rail infrastructure and the purchase of rolling stock, under the first two calls for projects of CEF II
€100 billion
Has been allocated to transport by Member States under their national recovery plans
131 million tonnes
Of goods Have been exported by Ukraine since May 2022 as part of the EU solidarity lanes
€5 billion
Has been invested in transport research and innovation

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