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Mobility and Transport

Financing decisions for policy support and pilot projects and preparatory actions


  • 8 APRIL 2024
Commission Decision C(2024) 2058 on the financing of pilot projects and preparatory actions in the field of transport and the adoption of the work programme for 2024


  • 15 DECEMBER 2023
Commission Decision of 13.12.2023 on the financing of actions under the prerogatives of the Commission and its specific powers in the field of transport [C(2023) 8556]
  • 25 JULY 2023
Commission Decision on the financing of one pilot project in the field of transport and the adoption of the work programme for 2023 and amending Commission Decision C(2022) 4509 for 2022 [C(2023) 3715]
  • 3 MARCH 2023
Commission Decision of 3.3.2023 on the financing of actions under the prerogatives of the Commission and its specific powers in the field of transport [C(2023) 1387]







Commission implementing decision C(2017) 2612 of 3.5.2017 establishing the list of proposals selected for receiving EU financial assistance under the Connecting Europe Facility following the multi-sectoral call for proposals launched on 28 September 2016 based on the annual work programme for 2016

Commission decision C(2016) 7003 of 7.11.2016 on the annual work programme for 2017 in the field of mobility and transport


Commission decision C(2015) 7673 of 9.11.2015 on the annual work programme for 2016 in the field of mobility and transport


Commission decision C(2014) 8434 of 18.11.2014 on the annual work programme for 2015 in the field of mobility and transport

Commission decision C(2015) 3253 of 19.5.2015 concerning the adoption of a financing decision to finance a pilot project and a preparatory action in the field of mobility and transport for 2015


Commission decision C(2014) 1166 of 19.2.2014 on the annual work programme for 2014 in the field of mobility and transport


Commission decision C(2013) 3383 of 7.06.2013 concerning the adoption of a financing decision for 2013 to finance a preparatory action in the field of mobility and transport

Commission decision C(2013) 222 of 1.02.2013 concerning the 2013 work programme


Commission decision C(2012) 4531 of 6.07.2012 with regard to the amendment of Decision C(2012) 1216 adoptingthe 2012 work programme

Commission decision C(2012)3704 of 08.06.2012 concerning the adoption of a financing decision for 2012 to finance a preparatory action

Commission decision C(2012) 1216 of 27.02.2012 concerning the 2012 work programme


Commission decision COM(2011) 168 of 24.01.2011 concerning the 2011 work programme


Commission decision COM(2010) 5912 of 31.08.2009 on the amendment to decision C(2010) 773

Commission decision COM(2010) 773 of 09.02.2010 concerning the 2010 work programme


Commission decision COM(2009) 4671 of 22.06.2009 on the amendment to decision C(2009) 472

Commission decision COM(2009) 472 of 30.01.2009 concerning the 2009 work programme


Commission decisions concerning the work programmes from 2003 to 2008