- transport policy | transport staff
- Thursday 21 April 2016, 02:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 21 April 2016, 02:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Women in transport
Brussels 21 April 2016

EU Commissioner for transport, Violeta Bulc, and Commissioner Věra Jourová in charge of gender equality are organising a participatory event to reflect on how to attract more women to the transport sector.
In addition to the benefits brought about by a more gender balanced working environment, this will help Europe respond to the expected workforce shortages in the sector (a third of all transport workers are over 50 years old), at a time when technological progress, especially in automation and digitalisation, are bringing about new opportunities for women.
The event is part of a week of activities at EU level to raise awareness for the situation and opportunities of women in transport, including a workshop at the Transport Research Arena in Warsaw.
Who will participate?
Female workers, employers, academics and policy makers in the transport sector.
A broader consultation on possible follow-up actions will be launched after the event.
Social media: #womenintransport , @Bulc_EU and @Transport_EU
- Opening by Ms Violeta Bulc, Commissioner for Transport, and Ms Despina Spanou, Director in DG Justice and Consumers
- Morning session: "sharing and analysing experiences" (work in small groups)
- Afternoon session: "proposals for future actions" (work in small groups)
- Conclusions
Speech by Ms Spanou (mentioned in the minutes)
Background documentation on work already done
1. Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee 1st July 2015
2. European social partners joint recommendations and guidelines
- The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF): Disseminating training materials for a harassment and bullying-free workplace in shipping
- EU sectoral social dialogue on ports: Recommendations on Women's Employment in the Port Sector
- CER/ETF recommendations for a better representation and integration of women in the rail sector
- UITP & ETF joint agreement to strengthen women's employment in urban public transport
3. Studies
- WISE Final Project Report
- Promoting the employment women in the transport sector – obstacles and policy options
4. Horizontal policy on Gender Equality: