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Mobility and Transport
News article22 September 2016Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport1 min read

Call for expressions of interest to become associated member of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (update)

Call for expressions of interest to become associated member of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (update)

The call for expressions of interest to become associated member of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking was launched on 6 October and closed on 12 November 2014.

The results of the evaluation and, where applicable, the invitations to submit proposals for the second stage of the selection process, will be notified to candidates at the beginning of February 2015.

The delay is the result of the decision to delay the launch of the second stage of the selection process until after the publication of the outcome of the call H2020-MG-2014-TwoStages, as this will have an impact on the second stage of the technical submissions of candidate associated members to the S2R JU.

Candidate associated members will have at least six weeks to submit their stage 2 submissions from the date that they are notified of their invitation to the second stage. Candidates invited to the second stage will receive from the Executive Director of the S2R JU a scoping paper providing an overview of the structure and content of the draft multiannual action for Shift2Rail so that they can make an informed choice on the areas that they wish to submit detailed technical proposals for.

See also:

Call for expressions of interest to become associated member of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (6/10/2014)

Shift2Rail website

Overview on rail research and Shift to Rail

About the 4th Railway Package

Transport: EU seeks out partners for joint rail research [IP/14/1098]

The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking – Frequently Asked Questions [MEMO]


Publication date
22 September 2016
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport