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Mobility and Transport

The European Rail Network for Competitive Freight


The European Rail Network for Competitive Freight


The Regulation concerning a European Rail Network for Competitive Freight (Regulation EU 913/2010) entered into force on 9 November 2010. The Regulation requests Member State to establish international market-oriented Rail Freight Corridors to meet three challenges :

  • strengthening co-operation between Infrastructure Managers on key aspects such as allocation of path, deployment of interoperable systems and infrastructure development;
  • striking the right balance between freight and passenger traffic along the Rail Freight Corridors, giving adequate capacity and priority for freight in line with market needs and ensuring that common punctuality targets for freight trains are met;
  • promoting intermodality between rail and other transport modes by integrating terminals into the corridor management and development.

Related documents


Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight


20 JULY 2021
Handbook on the Regulation concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (Regulation EC 913/2010)


Decision of the Executive Boards of Rail Freight Corridors N°1 and N°2 establishing the Framework for capacity allocation on the Rail Freight Corridors N°1 and N°2

Impact Assessment

Summary of the Impact Assessment

Impact Assessment

20 JULY 2021
Preparatory study for an impact assessment for a rail network giving priority to freight - Final report

Public consultation

20 JULY 2021
Results of the public consultation on a rail freight oriented network (2008)

Press room

On track for more competitive rail freight in Europe

20 JULY 2021
Memo: "Towards a European rail network for competitive freight" (2008)
20 JULY 2021
Questions and answers on a Proposal for a Regulation concerning the European rail network for competitive freight


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Regulation (EU) 913/2010, in accordance to its Article 23

20 JULY 2021
Rail freight oriented network strategic group of experts - Report of the group (June 2008)
20 JULY 2021
ERTMS Corridor route comparison
20 JULY 2021
Comparison of corridor and network studies and initiatives


Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight


ERTMS corridors

Study of CER on rail freight corridors

ERIM Report carried out by UIC

New Opera Project research

TEN-T programme

Rail Net Europe