A Regulatory Body is to be established/set up in every Member State.
The main task of the Regulatory Body is to ensure a fair and non-discriminatory access to the rail network and services. The legal basis for the creation and competence of the Regulatory Body can be found in Article 10.7 of Directive 2001/12/EC and in Articles 30 and 31 of Directive 2001/14/EC.
Organisational independence
The Regulatory Body is a body independent from any infrastructure manager, charging body, allocation body or applicant. It is independent in its organisation, legal structure, funding and in its decision making. Decisions taken by the Regulatory Body shall be subject to judicial review.
Main tasks
The Regulatory Body shall be an appeal body in relation to decisions taken by an infrastructure manager or a railway undertaking regarding discriminatory access conditions.
Any applicant or interested party may lodge a complaint with the Regulatory Body if it feels that it has been treated unjustly, has been subject to discrimination or injured in any other way.
The Regulatory Body shall ensure that the charges set by the infrastructure manager are non-discriminatory. It shall supervise any negotiation between an applicant and an infrastructure manager on the level of the charges and intervene if necessary.
The Regulatory Body shall monitor the competition in the rail services market. In its monitoring function it shall decide on complaints or on its own initiative on appropriate measures to correct undesirable developments.
The Regulatory Body shall have the right to request relevant information from the infrastructure manager, applicants and any third party involved within the Member State concerned, which must be supplied without undue delay.
At European level and with the help of the European Commission, the Regulatory Bodies shall exchange information about their work and decision-making principles and practices with the aim to develop a common approach in order to avoid conflicting decisions.
Regulatory Bodies
Nationality | Organisation | Address / Phone / Fax / E-mail / Web |
AT | Schienen-Control GmbH | Linke Wienzeile 4/1/6 Tel: +43 1 5050707 office |
BE | Dienst Regulering van het Spoorwegvervoer & van de Exploitatie van Luchthaven Brussel-Nationaal / Service de Régulation du Transport ferroviaire et de l'Exploitation de l'Aéroport de Bruxelles-National / Regulatory Body for Railway Transport and for Brussels Airport Operations | Finance Tower Tel:+32 2 277 45 25 info |
BG | Railway Administration Executive Agency | 5, Gurko Str. Tel: +359 2 940 94 27 iaja |
CZ | Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže / Office for the Protection of Competition | trida Kpt. Jarose 7 Tel: +420 542 167 111 posta |
DE | Bundesnetzagentur / Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway | Tulpenfeld 4, Tel.: +49 228 14 - 7100 / 3120 ref-701 |
DK | Jernbanenævnet Danish Railway Regulatory Body | Gammel Mønt 4, 1 Tel: +45 6093 48 01 info |
EE | Estonian Competition Authority (Konkurentsiamet) | Auna 6 Tel: +372 667 2400 info |
EL | Regulatory Authority for Railways (RAS) | 33 Stadiou Street Tel: +30 210 3860141 info |
ES | Comisión Nacional del Mercado y la Competencia (CNMC) Direccion de Transportes y del Sector Postal Subdirección del Sector Ferroviario | Barquillo, 5, Tel: +34 915 36 90 36 dtsp [dot] sectorferroviario |
FI | Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) | PO Box 467 Tel: +358 29 534 5000 kirjaamo |
FR | Autorité de Régulation des Transports (ART) | 11, place des Cinq Martyrs du Lycée Buffon Tel: +33 (0) 1 58 01 01 10 |
HR | Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) | Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9 Phone: + 385 (0)1 700 70 07 |
HU | National Transport Authority Department of Railway Regulation | Terez krt. 62, Tel: +36 1 815 96 73 office |
IE | Commission for Railway Regulation | Trident House Tel: +353 (0)1 206 81 10 info |
IT | Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti Transport Regulation Authority | Via Nizza, 230 Tel: +39 011 0908500 |
LT | Communications Regulatory Authority | Mortos Str. 14 Tel: +370 5 210 5633 |
LU | Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation | 17, rue du Fossé Tel.: +352 28 228 228 |
LV | State Railway Administration of Latvian Republic | Riepnieku str. 2 Tel: +371 672 33 225 vda |
NL | Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) | P O Box 16326 Tel: +31 70 7222 000 info |
PL | Office for Rail Transport | Urząd Transportu Kolejowego Tel: +48 22 626 80 11 utk |
PT | AMT - Autoridade da Mobilidade e dos Transportes | Palacio Coimbra, Tel: +351 211 025 800 geral |
RO | Railway Supervision Council | Piaţa Presei Libere, nr. 1, corp D1, Tel: +40 21 405 44 51 consiliul [dot] feroviar |
SE | Transportstyrelsen - Swedish Transport Agency | Box 267, Tel: +46 771 503 503 jarnvag |
SI | Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) | Stegne 7 P.O. Box 418 Tel: +386 1 583 63 00 info [dot] box |
SK | Dopravny urad (Transport Authority) | Dopravny urad Tel.: +421 2 48 777 402 drahy |
CH | Rail Transport Commission RailCom Kommission für den Eisenbahnverkehr RailCom | Christoffelgasse 5, Tel: +41 (0)58 463 13 00 info |
MK | Railway Regulatory Agency (RRA) | Mito Hadzivasilev 11052 Tel/fax: +389 2 3220 407 |
NO | The Norwegian Railway Authority | P O Box 7113 St. Olavs plass Tel: +47 22 99 59 00 post Tel: +47 22 24 90 90 |
Related documents
Council Directive 91/440/EEC of 29 July 1991 on the development of the Community's railways
Reports from Task Forces 'Track Access Charges' and 'Insurance and Licensing'
The European Commission's Directorate General Energy & Transport and the Advisory and Regulatory Committee set up under Article 35 of Directive 2001/14 (also know as 'Developing European Railways Committee - DERC) set up a Task Force on track access charging and another one on licensing of railway undertakings and insurance. This Committee, DERC, accepted the final reports of both task forces at its meeting on 6 July 2005. The coordinates of the task force members are attached, and thus professionals interested have the opportunity to contact their national delegate to get more information.
The report of the task force on track access charging contains a set of recommendations on the development of railway markets, in particular international rail freight.
The report of the task force on licensing and insurance provides information on the links between licensing and insurance as well as an analysis of problems involved with insuring railway undertakings against third party liability.
After the last meeting of the task force, a stakeholders workshop was organised on 8 June 2005: Main conclusions of the stakeholders workshop.
European Network of Rail Regulatory Bodies (ENRRB)
ENRRB was created to facilitate the active cooperation of national rail regulatory bodies and information exchange between these bodies.