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Mobility and Transport


For the proper implementation of the regulations concerning the tachograph, it is essential that every driver holds only one valid driver card. Therefore, Member States must ensure the uniqueness of the driver card they issue by exchanging information with the other Member States. The TACHOnet is a telematic network in operation across the EU to allow an automated exchange of information between Member States.

Recommendation on TACHOnet:

The latest tachograph legislation (Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) N°165/2014 ) requires Member States to exchange electronically information in order to ensure that the tachographs are properly used to apply the social road transport rules. The Commission adopted on 21 January 2016 the Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/68 setting out the obligatory connection of Member States to TACHOnet by 2 March 2018, as well as the technical conditions for the use of TACHOnet.

TACHOnet Reference material: