International relations
The inherently cross-border dimension of transport is reflected in the international reach of this EU policy. A wide range of activities have been put in place, covering all transport modes and activities which differ depending on the country or region concerned.
The main focus of the EU international transport cooperation is on extending internal market rules, notably through work in international organisations, and on promoting European safety, security and environmental standards.
In this context, opening up third country markets in transport services, products and investment to free and undistorted competition and environmentally sustainable solutions, continues to be a priority. A key objective is also to extend the EU´s transport and infrastructure policy to the neighbours of the Union. The Commission aims to adopt flexible strategies to ensure the EU's role as a standard setter in the transport sector.
In terms of type of interaction in the field of international transport relations, the following main areas of work with third countries can be identified:
- 1. Enlargement countries
- 2. European Neighbourhood Policy countries
- 3. Bilateral relations with other third countries
At the 8th EU-Singapore Transport Dialogue, discussions revolved around bilateral technical cooperation across all transport modes and the global challenges to international transport.
Latest figures on Ukrainian exports and imports via the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes: new transport routes established in the face of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
Transport ministers from the Western Balkans, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, as well as the European Commission, gathered at the annual Ministerial Council Meeting of the Transport Community in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 12 December 2023.
The Commission published the results of the Study on Sustainable Transport Connections between Europe and Central Asia as one of the actions taken to implement the Global Gateway strategy.
The Transport Ministers of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) reaffirmed the shared objectives of regional cooperation by adopting the UfM Ministerial Declaration and a new Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) when they met on 9 February.
Closer ties with Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, and Georgia: Transport Community strengthens relations