Research and Innovation - European Commission
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Mobility and Transport

Research and Innovation

Research and innovation contribute directly to our level of prosperity and the well-being of individuals. The main aim of policy in the field of research and technological development is to establish the European Union as a leading knowledge-based economy. To this end, making a common research area a reality should mean, in time, that we have the best possible cooperation at every level, that there is more coordination between European and national policies, that structural capacities are expanded and that more teams are able to form research networks; it should also stimulate the free movement of persons and ideas.

The Directorate-General Mobility & Transport participates in the financing of the horizontal research activities (CORDIS, COST, Eureka, ERA-NET) and shares the management responsibility with the Directorate-General Research.

The Directorate-General Mobility & Transport currently also coordinates a cross-disciplinary team preparing the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Smart Cities and Communities. Its aim is to help cities and communities, business and civil society to implement smart city solutions across the sectors energy, transport and ICT at much greater scale and speed, to improve services while reducing energy and resource consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) and other polluting emissions.

The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Smart Cities and Communities
