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Mobility and Transport

Action Plan for Gender Balance



The Action Plan for Gender Balance at EMSA is an ongoing project since July 2018. It aims to improve our overall gender staff rate, which is mainly male. Three main goals were identified to help EMSA to become a more gender-balanced organisation:

1. Promotion of values of non-discrimination by gender

EMSA is encouraging the debate internally through awareness campaigns, lunchtime conferences, specific coaching for managers and staff.

2. Equal opportunities in attracting and recruiting staff

EMSA is an equal opportunity employer; however, it operates in a sector very much male oriented which reduces the chance to recruit female staff. Most of applications received by the Agency for its operational positions are from male candidates.

EMSA has decided to act in the following areas: identify relevant channels to increase the dissemination of its vacancies amongst the underrepresented gender, to achieve gender-balanced panels for recruitment, deliver different training actions aiming at increasing equal opportunities, for example, on how to avoid unconscious bias for managers and panel members.

3. Retaining women

As an employer, EMSA has to compete with other employers to keep its competent staff. We aim to create a favourable framework within the existing implementing provisions to promote a better work-life balance for staff encouraging both male and female participation in a more equal use of the leave and flexible work arrangements.



Contact: emsa-women-in-transport-platformatemsa [dot] europa [dot] eu (emsa-women-in-transport-platform[at]emsa[dot]europa[dot]eu)