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Mobility and Transport

Global initiative KTCwomen @ kapsch

by Kapsch TrafficCom


KTCwomen@kapsch is a global initiative from female colleagues for female colleagues at Kapsch TrafficCom. Our global goal is to increase the ratio of women in key and leadership positions to at least 30% by year 2023. Strategic teams have been set up in five geographical regions for this purpose: Africa, Australia, Europe, Latin America and North America.

Here is an overview of the on-going global initiatives and what has been achieved so far:

  • WomenMentoring@KTC: 15 mentees (females) and mentors (females and males) were selected from applications all around the world. At the kick-off workshop in Vienna, all the participants got to know each other personally, and the mentoring program was launched after a successful matching process.
  • Women “Get-Together”: Regular breakfast or lunch events to foster women´s networking, adapted in each location (e.g. breakfast in Vienna, lunch & learn in US, Book Club Readings in Australia and Sweden).
  • Support “Employer Branding Kapsch Group”: Ensure the presence of female colleagues in the Employer Branding activities and support the identification of role models, presenters to be interviewed or give speeches.
  • Career Conversation Pilot: Over a 12 week period regular content was provided by a professional tool to help users build their careers (in form of inspiring articles with audio, text, webinar). About 80 female pilot users participated with great enthusiasm.
  • Communication Campaign: The goal is to reach females and males at Kapsch TrafficCom around the globe to inform them about the reason behind the KTCwomen@kapsch initiative by internal and external communication channels.

Additionally, many local initiatives for women take place in different locations independently. The outcome of these local activities is shared in global meetings between the regions twice a year via video conference.



Wolf Cornelia: cornelia [dot] wolfatkapsch [dot] net (cornelia[dot]wolf[at]kapsch[dot]net)

Website: https://www.kapsch.net/ktc