The EU Urban Mobility Observatory enables the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility. It addresses professionals working with transport and mobility in and around urban areas, as well as those working in related fields, including health, accessibility, energy-efficiency, innovation, research and the environment.
A broad range of resources are available to help transform any town or city into a forerunner in the area of sustainable urban mobility, including the latest news and policy updates and good practice examples, as well as publications and training materials developed by EU-funded urban mobility projects.
A dedicated section serves as the Commission’s information hub on how to develop and implement a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), bearing in mind the Commission’s 2023 Recommendation on national SUMP support programmes and also the urban nodes requirements proposed for the trans-European transport network.
The EU city database on SUMPs provides information on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and other urban mobility plans in EU Member States.