2021 road safety statistics: what is behind the figures? - European Commission
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2021 road safety statistics: what is behind the figures?

Figure 1: Downward trend in the number of road traffic fatalities in the EU

Figure 1: Downward trend in the number of road traffic fatalities in the EU

Figure 2: Number of road fatalities per million inhabitants by country, 2021

Figure 2: Number of road fatalities per million inhabitants by country, 2021
Source: CARE (EU Road accidents database) and Commission estimates. Population data from Eurostat.

Figure 3: Short-term trend in the number of road fatalities (2021 compared to 2019 and 2020)

Figure 3: Short-term trend in the number of road fatalities (2021 compared to 2019 and 2020)
Note: Countries with fewer than 100 fatalities in 2021 are excluded from this graph


Country specific information on the number of road fatalities

EU: On average, 44 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, representing a 5% increase compared to 2020 but a 13% decrease compared to 2019, prior to the pandemic. 

Note: where the figures below state “below the EU average”, this in relation to the EU average of 44 road deaths per million. In this context, it means a “better” road safety performance than the EU average.  

Austria: 40 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is below the EU average of 44. The number of deaths fell to its lowest recorded level in 2020 and then increased by 4% in 2021. Overall, that represents a 14% decrease in 2021 in relation to the pre-pandemic year 2019.

Belgium: 43 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is slightly below the EU average. The number of fatalities dropped to its lowest level on record and remained at virtually the same level in 2021. Between 2019 and 2021, the number fell by 23%, faster than the EU average of -13%.

Bulgaria: 81 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is the second highest rate in the EU. The number of fatalities increased by 21% in 2021 having fallen substantially the previous year to reach the lowest number on record. The figure for 2021 represents an 11% drop in relation to the pre-pandemic year 2019.

Croatia: 72 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is well above the EU average and the fourth highest rate among the EU-27. After dropping to the lowest number on record in 2020, road deaths increased by 23% in 2021. That represents a 2% decrease between 2019 and 2021, well below the EU average of 13% fewer deaths.

Cyprus*: 50 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is above the EU average. The number of estimated deaths fell by 13% between 2019 and 2021 to reach the lowest rate on record.

Czechia: 50 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is above the EU average. Road fatalities rose slightly by 3% compared to 2020 but overall fell by 14% between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021.

Denmark: 23 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which makes it the third best performing country in the EU. The number of road fatalities fell by a notable 17% in 2021 to reach the lowest figure on record. Between 2019 and 2021, the number dropped by 32%, at a considerably faster pace than the EU average fall of 13%.

Estonia*: 41 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is slightly below the EU average. Following a fall in 2019 and a rise in 2020, road fatalities fell by 7% in 2021. Overall, between 2019 and 2021, the number increased by 6% although compared to the average of the period 2017-2019 (to smooth out annual fluctuations), road deaths fell by 1% in 2021.

Finland: 40 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is slightly below the EU average. The number of fatalities was unchanged in 2021 following the lowest figure on record in 2019. Accordingly, road deaths increased by 6% between 2019 and 2021, in contrast to the EU average decrease of 13%.

France: 45 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, close to the EU average. France registered its lowest number of road fatalities on record in 2020 when the figure dropped by 22%. While fatalities increased by 16% in 2021, the number fell by 9% between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021.

Germany: 31 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is significantly below the EU average. The number of road deaths continues to fall, with a new record low in three successive years: 2019, 2020 and again in 2021. Fatalities fell by 6% between 2020 and 2021 while there was a 16% decrease between 2019 and 2021.

Greece: 57 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is significantly above the EU average. Having recorded the largest downward trend (54%) in the EU over the last decade, road deaths increased by 5% from 2020 to 2021. Compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019, the number fell by 12% in 2021, a similar pace to the EU average.

Hungary: 56 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is significantly above the EU average. Following a 25% reduction in 2020, Hungary recorded its lowest number of road fatalities on record. In 2021, the number increased by 18%. Overall, this represents a 10% decrease between 2019 and 2021.

Ireland: 27 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is one of the lowest rates in the EU. The estimated number of road fatalities fell between 2020 and 2021 by 6% to reach a record new low. This equates to a 2% decrease compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019.

Italy: 48 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is slightly above the EU average. The number of fatalities dropped by 25% in 2020 to reach its lowest level on record. In 2021, fatalities increased by an estimated 19%. Overall, the number decreased by 10% between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021.

Latvia: 78 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is the third highest rate in the EU. A 7% increase in the number of fatalities in 2020 was followed by a further 6% rise in 2021. Overall, this amounts to an 11% increase between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021.

Lithuania: 52 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is above the EU average. The number of fatalities fell by 17% in 2021 to reach a new record low. This amounts to a 22% decrease between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021, a faster pace than the EU average.

Luxembourg*: 38 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is below the EU average. The number of fatalities, which is subject to large annual fluctuations, fell by 8% in 2021. Between 2019 and 2021, road deaths increased by 9% although compared to the average of the period 2017-2019 (to smooth out annual fluctuations), the number fell by 13% in 2021.

Malta*: 17 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which makes it the best performing country although the overall number is very small and therefore subject to annual fluctuations. The number of deaths dropped by 18% in 2021 and by 44% compared to 2019.

Netherlands: 28 road deaths per million inhabitants estimated for 2021, which is one of the lowest rates in the EU. Road fatalities fell by an estimated 4% between 2020 and 2021 and by 16% compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019.

Poland: 59 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is significantly above the EU average. The number fell by 10% in 2021 to reach its lowest level on record. Between 2019 and 2021 the number dropped by 23%, at a much faster pace than the EU average fall of 13%.

Portugal: 52 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is above the EU average. The estimated number of fatalities fell very slightly in 2021 to reach its lowest level on record. Compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019, road deaths dropped by 22% in 2021, at a significantly faster pace than the EU average.

Romania: 93 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is the highest rate in the EU. The number of fatalities increased by 8% in 2021. This corresponds to a 4% decrease between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021, at a slower pace than the EU average which decreased by 13%.

Slovakia: 47 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is slightly above the EU average. The number of fatalities increased by 5% in 2021 after reaching a record low level in 2020. Between 2019 and 2021, fatalities fell by 4% compared to the EU average decrease of 13%.

Slovenia*: 54 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, which is above the EU average. The number of fatalities continues to fluctuate: following a 22% decrease in 2020, the number increased by 43% in 2021. Compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019, road deaths increased by 12% in 2021, the largest increase in the EU.

Spain: 32 road deaths per million inhabitants estimated in 2021, which is significantly below the EU average. The number of fatalities rose by 10% in 2021 compared to 2020, which was the safest year since records began. Compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019, road deaths decreased by 14% in 2021, in line with the EU average.

Sweden: 18 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2021, giving Sweden the best road safety record in the EU alongside Malta. For the second consecutive year, road fatalities fell to their lowest level on record. There was a 6% drop between 2020 and 2021 and a 13% decrease between the pre-pandemic year 2019 and 2021

* For several small Member States where the number of fatalities is fewer than or around 100, the figures tend to fluctuate considerably from year to year meaning that the underlying trend can only be seen over a longer time period.


The Transport Community has published similar data on road fatalities for 2021 for the Western Balkans’ regional participants.

Corrigendum, 30 March 2022: minor corrections have been made to the data and accompanying text for Cyprus and Portugal for which new estimates became available after the original publication. Figures 2 and 3 have been adjusted accordingly.