Inland, air and maritime transport - European Commission Skip to main content
Mobility and Transport

Inland, air and maritime transport

The reports/studies are subject to a disclaimer and copyright. They have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the.

The reports/studies are subject to a disclaimer and copyright. They have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the European Commission's views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given in the studies, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.

Copyright is held by the European Union. Persons wishing to use the contents of these studies (in whole or in part) for purposes other than their personal use are invited to submit a written request to the following address: European Commission - Mobility and Transport DG - Library (DM28, 0/36) - B-1049 Brussels or by electronic form.


Evaluation of the relevant directives related to the initiative on recognition and modernisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation (Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/EC)


Evaluation of Regulation 1971/2007 on rail passenger rights


Passenger ship safety legislative Review

Evaluation of the Marco Polo Programme 2003-2010 - Final Report

Evaluation of Regulation 881/2004 establishing the European Railway Agency


Evaluation of Regulation 1107/2006 on air passenger rights for people with reduced mobility - Final Report, June 2010

Ex post evaluation of European Safety Action Programme (2001-2010) - Final Report, December 2009

Evaluation of Regulation 261/2004 on air passenger rights - Final report, February 2010

Appendix A


Evaluation of the Common Transport Policy (CTP) of the EU from 2000 to 2008 and analysis of the evolution and structure of the European transport sector in the context of the long-term development of the CTP - Final report, May 2009


Cost-effectiveness study concerning the externalisation of programme management tasks related to the second “Marco Polo” Programme (2007-2013) - Final Report, January 2007

Evaluation of the Marco Polo Programme (2003-2006) - Final Report, November 2007


Ex-post evaluation of all completed actions funded under the Sustainable Mobility Programme during the period 1997-2004 - Final Report, April 2006


Assessment of the contribution of the TEN and other transport policy measures to the midterm implementation of the White Paper on the European Transport Policy for 2010

"SESAME Cost-Benefit Analysis and governance - Assessment of options, benefits and associated costs of the SESAME Programme for the definition of the future air traffic management system"

Impact Assessment on the extension of EASA competences to ANS, ATM and Airports

Mid-term/Ex post evaluation of some actions funded under the Road Safety Programme during 1999-2004

Ex-post and Mid-term Evaluation of the Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft Programme (SAFA)


Ex-post and Mid Term Evaluation of COSCAP Programme in Asia (South, South-East, North Asia)

Ex ante Evaluation of MARCO POLO II 2007-2013

Ex-post evaluation of specific projects funded under the Transport Safety Policy

Ex-post evaluation of specific interventions funded under the Sustainable Mobility Policy


Evaluation of the Implementation of the Council Regulation 2196/98 (PACT)