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Mobility and Transport
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Study on the effect of adapting the rules on the weights and dimensions of heavy commercial vehicles as established within Directive 96/53/EC regarding their ability to m

Contract notice: OJ S 114-139889 Time-limit for receipt of tenders: 10/08/2007 Tenders specifications A framework contract to provide technical support to the industry consultation body of the single European sky (air traffic management)


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders


Study on the effect of adapting the rules on the weights and dimensions of heavy commercial vehicles as established within Directive 96/53/EC regarding their ability to m

Contract notice: OJ S 114-139889

Time-limit for receipt of tenders: 10/08/2007

Tenders specifications

A framework contract to provide technical support to the industry consultation body of the single European sky (air traffic management)