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Mobility and Transport
  • Call for tenders
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Supply of electronic data related to worldwide flight schedules for year 2023 (MOVE/2022/LVP/0004)


Publication date
Deadline date


The DG MOVE Aviation Policy unit (E1) intends to carry out a negotiated procedure to conclude a supply contract for the “MOVE/2022/LVP/0004 - Supply of electronic data related to worldwide flight schedules for year 2023”.

The contract shall provide a supply of electronic data and associated support of information on worldwide flight schedules. The European Commission needs this data to update an internal database on scheduled flights for the year 2023.

The contractor should provide datasets related to worldwide flight schedules for the year 2023 covering four periods of the year as a minimum: one dataset per period consisting of schedules for a single week within a period in question (in January, April, July and October) – including the related reference data.

See provisional data elements related to Datasets for Schedules, Carriers and Locations as proposed in Annex A. As a minimum the fields with their names listed with bold font in the list of Annex A are needed.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest by e-mail to the address: move-air-annualatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (move-air-annual[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) by 27 September 2022 midnight, Brussels time.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender to the candidates: 28 September 2022.

  • 12 SEPTEMBER 2022
Annex A to Ex Ante publication MOVE/2022/LVP/0004