List of exhibitors:
European Commission - CINEA - CINEA supports stakeholders in delivering the European Green Deal through high-quality programme management that helps to implement projects contributing to decarbonisation and sustainable growth. CINEA is responsible for the entire grant management cycle of its delegated EU programmes manage several EU programmes in the fields of transport, energy, environment and climate action. This includes the management and implementation of the missions on Adaptation to Climate Change and 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart cities by 2030, under Horizon Europe framework programme.
Seville City
CIVITAS Initiative - CIVITAS is one of the flagship programmes helping the European Commission achieve its ambitious mobility and transport goals, and in turn those in the European Green Deal. Since its launch in 2002, CIVITAS has advanced research and innovation in sustainable urban mobility and enabled local authorities to develop, test and roll out measures via a range of projects.
ELTIS and European Road Safety Charter - "Joint stand between Eltis and European Road Safety Charter.
Eltis is Europe's main observatory on urban mobility which facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe.
The European Road Safety Charter, led by the European Commission, is the largest civil society platform on road safety. To date, more than 4,000 public and private entities have committed to the Charter and carried out road safety actions and initiatives targeted at their members, employees and the rest of civil society. Together, these various entities form a community in which members can share their expertise and actions, inspiring and learning from each other." -
Swarco - The traffic technology group SWARCO – headquartered in Wattens near Innsbruck, Austria – has an international network of production facilities, offices, and partners across the globe. Together, we offer one of the most complete solution portfolios for road marking, signage, urban traffic management, parking, highway and tunnel management, public transport, and street lighting.
CIVINETs - "CIVINETs are networks of cities and institutions that promote the CIVITAS approach at the local level. Differentiated by region and clustered by language, CIVINET members work together to engage at both European and national levels on transport policy, legislation and funding. CIVINETs work independently but also cooperate with each other to share learning and experiences on sustainable urban mobility."
EIT Urban Mobility - EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019, EIT UM have been working to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more liveable places. We aim to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility.
Join stand for GEMINI, MOVE21 and SCLA-UP project on the area of Urban Mobility - New Mobility Services. GEMINI: to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing a modal shift through the demonstration and uptake of new shared mobility services, active transport modes, and micromobility and their integration with public transport in new generation MaaS services; MOVE21: transforming European cities and their surroundings into smart zero emissions nodes for mobility and logistics; SCALE-UP: “Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles”.
Join stand for RECIPROCITY, ENTRANCE and REBALANCE project on the area of Socio-economic and behavioural aspects. RECIPROCITY: to transform European cities into climate-resilient and multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility using an innovative four-stage replication framework; ENTRANCE: European Matchmaking Platform, called ARRIVAL, and complementary off-line services designed to mobilise financial resources to accelerate access to market and scaling up of “first of a kind” sustainable transport solutions; REBALANCE: explores how transport planning is becoming more sensitive to human needs, beyond productivism and efficiency. Transporting people is not the same as transporting freight, water, energy or information.
Join stand for DECARBOMILE, URBANE and GREEN-LOG project on the area of Urban Logistics. DECARMOBILE: develop interoperable and multimodal vehicles for last mile delivery in urban contexts; URBANE: aspires to tackle the negative trends associated with last-mile deliveries by identifying and scaling-up novel and sustainable last-mile transportation solutions; GREEN-LOG: develop Logistics-as-a service platforms for interconnected city logistics, automated delivery concepts using autonomous vehicles and delivery droids, cargo-bike-based innovations for sustainable micro-consolidation, and multimodal parcel deliveries integrating public transportation.
Join stand for ULaaDS and SENATOR project on the area of Urban Logistics. ULaaDS: Our vision is to foster sustainable and liveable cities through the deployment of innovative, shared, zero-emission logistics, while dealing with the impact of the on-demand economy; SENATOR: create a set of services for optimal and flexible urban logistics operation, management, planning and policymaking, unleashing the potential that technology and digitalisation can bring to the sustainable urban logistics and moving towards climate-neutral and smart cities.
Join stand for DISCO and UNCHAIN project on the area of Urban Logistics. DISCO: designing and creating new forms of cooperation and experimentation through innovation labs, an observatory and the development of a common massive open online course, all with a view to supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindsets; UNCHAIN: set of services for optimal and flexible urban logistics operation, management, planning and policymaking, unleashing the potential that technology and digitalisation can bring to the sustainable urban logistics and moving towards climate-neutral and smart cities.
Join stand for REALLOCATE and PANACEA project on the area of Urban Mobility and Cities mission.
REALLOCATE: to pave the way towards climate-neutral, safe, inclusive and smart European cities through integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions;
PANACEA: aims to create a holistic pre-, during and roadside monitoring and assessment system of driving ability. -
Join stand for SPINE, UPPER and DATA4PT project on the area of Public Transport.
SPINE: to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality and foster the transition towards more inclusive, accessible, resilient and sustainable Public Transportation services; UPPER: lead a revolution in public transport that will strengthen its role as the cornerstone of sustainable mobility and innovation in cities, leading the transition to a future of zero-emission mobility;
DATA4PT: to advance data-sharing practices in the public transport sector by supporting the development of data exchange standards and models, to fulfil the needs of multimodal travel information service providers. -
Join stand for TANGENT, ORCHESTRA, DIT4TRAM and FRONTIER project on the area of Traffic and network management. TANGENT: development of new complementary tools for optimising traffic operations in a coordinated and dynamic way from a multimodal perspective and considering automated / non-automated vehicles, passengers, and freight transport; ORCHESTRA: It will define a Multimodal Traffic Management Ecosystem (MTME) where traffic managements in different modes and areas (rural and urban) are coordinated to contribute to a more balanced and resilient transport system, bridging current barriers and silos; DIT4TRAM: Distributed Intelligence & Technology for Traffic & Mobility Management; FRONTIER: develop, apply and test the network and integrated traffic management strategies of the future, taking into account new types and modes of transport and connected automated vehicles (CAVs).
- Join stand for EN-UAC project and DUT on the area of Urban Mobility - ERA-NET project / JPI Urban Europe / DUT. EN-UAC: Solutions for sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity are high priorities in Europe and integral and essential parts of sustainable urban development; DUT: We develop the skills and tools to make urban change happen and boost the urgently needed urban transformations towards a sustainable future with enhanced quality of life in cities.
Join stand for USER-CHI, SOLUTIONSplus and eBRT2030 project on the area of electrification. USER-CHI: industry powered, city driven and user-centric project that will co-create and demonstrate smart solutions around 7 connecting nodes of the Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean; SOLUTIONSplus: highly committed cities, industry, research, implementing organisations and finance partners and establishes a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions to kick start the transition towards low-carbon urban mobility; eBRT2030: to support sustainable urban transport by proposing innovative solutions for electric Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).
Join stand for SHOW project and MobiSpaces on the area of Automation - testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas. SHOW: deployment of shared, connected and electrified automation in urban transport, to advance sustainable urban mobility; MobiSpaces: delivers an end-to-end mobility-aware and mobility-optimised data governance platform. Using AI-based mobility analytics to optimise the complete data path and increase energy efficiency contributing to the Mobility Data Space in view of the European green transition.
Joint stand for Scalable Cities, ASCEND and Transformer . Scalable Cities represents 120 cities who are involved in 18 Smart Cities and Communities projects funded by Horizon 2020 with around EUR 345 million. Working in consortia with academia, industry, associations and consultants, they implement more than 550 demonstrations of technological and social innovations in the areas of mobility and logistics, buildings, urban data and ICT infrastructure, citizen engagement as well as urban governance. The EU-funded ASCEND project will accelerate the implementation of positive, clean energy districts, or PCEDs. Specifically, it will deliver two inclusive, affordable PCEDs in Lyon and Munich. The project will scale up solution packages for a large community of cities and investors across Europe. It will speed up and scale up the deployment of cost effective PCEDs solutions and bring about a PCEDs replication wave in eight partnering cities. Transformer is a Horizon Europe project that works on the transition from fossil-fuel-based to zero-carbon local economies with four regions.The project considers entire regions as living laboratories, Transition Super-Labs, in which new ways of transformation towards a climate-neutral future can be developed, tested and implemented.
NetZeroCities supports Europe and in particular European cities to drastically cut down greenhouse gas emissions through climate action to achieve ‘climate neutrality’, one of the biggest challenges our societies face today.
EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK - European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility invites towns and cities from across Europe, and beyond, to participate in the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK. During the week, almost 3,000 towns and cities encourage behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions by organising awareness-raising activities and events with local stakeholders.
Join stand for SMALL and PAV Interreg project. SMALL: Shared vehicles are already transforming the way some of us move around the city. But these flexible and low-emission services are far from suitable for everyone; PAV: help cities develop sustainable spatial planning strategies that include AVs.
The EU-funded RAPID project will combine and extend drone technology to deliver a fully automated and safety-assured maintenance inspection service for bridges, ship hull surveys, and more. Specifically, the service will combine self-sailing unmanned surface vehicles with autonomous unmanned aerial systems.
UP2030 Horizon Europe Mission Cities - European cities are all feeling the pressure of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and the depletion of natural resources. Urban planning and design practices are essential to create better connected, net-zero neighbourhoods. In this context, the EU-funded UP2030 project will enable a quantum leap from a ´business as usual´, project-by-project decarbonisation approach to a vision-driven, strategy-based approach anchored on sound projects and renewed policy development.
DG REGIO - This Directorate-General is responsible for European actions with regard to economic and social development of the least developed regions of the EU. The DG supports such regions with policies and structural programmes aimed at enhancing competitiveness economic growth of those regions.
JRC - It contributes to the overall objective of Horizon Europe. We work closely with research and policy organisations in the Member States, with the European institutions and agencies, and with scientific partners in Europe and internationally, including within the United Nations system.
TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility.