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  • News article
  • 22 September 2016
  • Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
  • 4 min read

Call for expression of interest in the Management and Implementation levels of the SESAR Deployment governance

Call for expression of interest in the Management and Implementation levels of the SESAR Deployment governance

SESAR Deployment Partnership Workshop

4 April 2014 (Brussels)

Invitations have been sent to operational stakeholders and respondents to the call for expression of interest for the one-day workshop dedicated to the setup of the SESAR deployment partnership in order to implement Common Projects. If you have an interest and did not receive the invitation, please MOVE-E2-SINGLE-SKY-UNITatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (contact us).

Additional information :


Workshop on SESAR Deployment Framework Partnership

This call for expression of interest is a part of the process defined by the European Commission to prepare the deployment of SESAR common projects.

The common projects aim to deploy ATM functionalities that are mature for implementation and that contribute to the achievement of the essential operational changes identified in the ATM Master Plan.

The common projects shall contribute to Union-wide performance targets. In this respect, in order to achieve the maximum of benefits, the ATM functionalities need to be deployed in timely, coordinated and synchronised way.

For this purpose, the Commission has organised SESAR deployment governance and is responsible for the policy level, in particular by selecting the Deployment Manager.

The Deployment Manager shall be responsible for the Management level of SESAR deployment governance. Its main task is to develop, propose and maintain the Deployment Programme and ensure efficient synchronisation and overall coordination of the implementation projects and the related investments in line with the Deployment Programme. The tasks of the Deployment Manager are specified in Article 9 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 . It will have a leading role in managing and implementing deployment activities, including their impact on ATM system architectures and business models, in view of contributing to the achievement of the performance objectives of the Single European Sky.

The Implementation level consists of implementation projects selected by the Commission to deploy the common projects.

The Management and Implementation levels will be organised through the instrument of the Framework Partnership where Deployment Manager assumes the role of the coordinator and other operational stakeholders the roles of implementing partners.

Objective of the call

All operational stakeholders with potential interest in participating in the Management and Implementation levels of the SESAR deployment should obtain sufficient information so that they can take a decision whether and how they intend to participate. Furthermore, contacts among some operational stakeholders might be limited while their cooperation may be necessary already in near future, when the Framework Partnership will be established. Therefore, in order to provide all operational stakeholders with level-playing field and in order to facilitate their contacts, the Commission is launching this Call for Expression of Interest in the Management and Implemenation levels of the SESAR Deployment governance.

This call will allow to :

  • Identify the operational stakeholders interested in participating in the Management or Implementation level of SESAR deployment;
  • Inform the interested stakeholders about the steps and the legal framework related to the establishment of the Framework Partnership;
  • Generate a publicly available list of interested candidates; and
  • Facilitate contacts among the interested candidates.

Who may participate ?

The call is addressed to all operational stakeholders in accordance with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 within the scope of the proposal for the Pilot Common Project.

What is the nature of the Call for expression of interest ?

This call does not engage the candidates expressing their interest in any way (this call is not a Call for Expression of Interest (C.E.I./A.M.I.) in accordance with the EU Financial regulation). Nevertheless, by sending their contact details, the candidates agree that these will be published on DG MOVE's website.

Sending the application to the Call for expression of interest is not a prerequisite for participating in the future Call for proposals for the establishment of the Deployment Manager and the Implementation Level, which will be published only later towards April 2014.


The DG MOVE will organise a workshop towards the end of March 2014 in Brussels for all applicants that will send their contact details in response to the current Call for expression of interest. The workshop aims to clarify questions related to the legal framework for the establishment of the Framework Partnership, in particular the responsibilities of the future members of the Deployment Manager and of implementing partners, financing and timetable. Another aim of the workshop will be to provide the interested candidates with the opportunity to meet and network. The applicants will be informed about the time and place of the workshop in due time via the contact details they will have submitted in response to the current Call.

The Call for the expression of interest and the workshop should therefore prepare the interested candidates for the submission of their application to the Call for poroposals for the establishment of the Deployment Manager and the Implementation Level.

NEW !!! SAVE THE DATE - The workshop will take place on 04-04-2014 in Brussels. Participation is limited to 2 persons per organisation.

How to submit an application to the Call for expression of interest ?

Applicants are asked to read the Explanatory Document on the Management and Implementation levels of the SESAR Deployment governance in the annex and fill in and submit the application form (more formats of this available below) at the latest by 17th of March 2014. Submissions may start from the 14th of February 2014.

Applications shall be sent by e-mail to : MOVE-E2-SINGLE-SKY-UNITatec [dot] europa [dot] eu, indicating in the subject line : "Call for expression of interest : SESAR deployment".

Inclusion on the list of interested stakeholders

The Commission will include contact details of all operational stakeholders who are within the scope of the proposal for the Pilot Common Project and who have submitted an application under this call on the publicly available list.

NEW !!! The list of operational stakeholders who have expressed interest under this call

Do you have any questions ?

Please, send an email to the e-mail address : MOVE-E2-SINGLE-SKY-UNITatec [dot] europa [dot] eu.


Publication date
22 September 2016
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport