Closer ties with Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, and Georgia: Transport Community strengthens relations - European Commission
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Mobility and Transport
  • News article
  • 15 November 2022
  • Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
  • 2 min read

Closer ties with Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, and Georgia: Transport Community strengthens relations

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has accelerated the need to improve transport links between the EU, the Western Balkans, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. On the margins of today’s Transport Community Treaty Ministerial Council meeting, European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean confirmed the EU’s commitment to deepening the integration of the three countries’ transport markets within that of the EU, while building on the successful model of cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans within the Transport Community.

Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: "The joint statement we endorse today marks a watershed moment! It is a first step in a process that I sincerely believe should lead to the eventual expansion of the Transport Community Treaty to include Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia  as full members. In the meantime, and as of tomorrow, we will ensure that the three countries are fully associated in the work of the Transport Community."

As an immediate result of today’s decision, the three countries will be more closely involved in the work of the different Transport Community bodies. This should support them when aligning their transport systems with the EU transport acquis, preparing the way for full EU membership in the future.

The joint statement is the basis for further regional cooperation on transport, and supports the development of international transport connections in Europe. It also delivers on the EU’s commitment to safe, sustainable and resilient mobility. Complementing the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes, the statement is another way in which the EU is showing solidarity with Ukraine in the field of transport.   


The Transport Community is an international organisation active in mobility and transport. It brings together all EU Member States and the six Western Balkans regional partners (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence), Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia). Its aim is to integrate the Western Balkans’ transport markets into that of the EU by assisting the six partners as they adopt and implement EU legislation on transport and by supporting projects that connect the six countries with each other and with the EU.

In transport, the EU supports Ukraine and its economy through its Solidarity Lanes: alternative transport routes that facilitate Ukraine's exports and imports via rail, road and inland waterways. The Solidarity Lanes have helped tackle the threat of global food shortages.

More information

Press remarks by Commissioner Adina Vălean following the Transport Community Ministerial

  • 15 NOVEMBER 2022
Joint Statement from the Contracting parties of the Transport Community Treaty And The Ministers in charge of transport from Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova On Cooperation for the Development of the Transport Sectors



Publication date
15 November 2022
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport