In 2018, project EDWARD – the European Day without a Road Death took place on 19 September during the European Mobility Week. The objective of the campaign, launched by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) and supported by the European Commission, was that no one should die on European roads on EDWARD Day.
According to TISPOL's statistics, 17 countries recorded zero road death on 19 September this year, and 50 fatal accidents happened across 31 countries in Europe. This compares with the average of 70 people who lose their lives on EU roads every day.
Project EDWARD is based on the conviction that information and awareness raising, together with effective enforcement of traffic rules, can make a significant contribution towards further reducing the number of road deaths and serious injuries on the roads. Organisers believe that if each road user can make small changes to reduce risk, then together we can make big improvements – and reduce the number of people who die or are seriously injured on the roads.
European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc said: "Today we are reminded that we need to step up efforts to achieve a European Day Without a Road Death. Only by working together we will be able to combine real awareness with effective enforcement measures, and make a difference on European roads. Stagnation is not an option. Let's keep shooting for excellence.”
TISPOL General Secretary Ruth Purdie commented: “The figure of 50 deaths on Europe’s roads on Project EDWARD day is below the average of 70. But we must remember that there is a terrible tragedy behind every one of these deaths, as well as a massive economic impact. That is why we must continue to play our parts – whether as politicians, policy makers, police officers or simply as individual road users – to take responsibility for our own safety and that of others. Because it is the simple act of taking individual responsibility that would lead to a significant and sustained reduction in road death."
In the run-up of the campaign, TISPOL organised a road trip from Dublin to Madrid spreading the campaign messages. Private and public entities as well as the civil society were mobilised to contribute by making a pledge on TISPOL's website, by spreading the word on social media using #ProjectEDWARD and by organising road safety days to be carried out on 19 September or during the European Mobility Week. The Road Safety Day interactive map hosted on the European Commission's website gives visibility to these projects, who can also participate in a photo contest.
As in the previous years, project EDWARD made a great impact on social media with a Twitter reach of 25 million on 19 September and a total reach of 37.2 million, measured from 11 June to 21 September.
Update 24 August 2020: In 2020, TISPOL has changed its name to ROADPOL and the campaign formerly known as Project EDWARD has been rebranded to ROADPOL Safety Days.
- Publication date
- 24 August 2020
- Author
- Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport