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Mobility and Transport

In addition to the Agreement between the European Community and the government of Georgia on certain aspects of air services (so called: horizontal air transport agreement) that entered into force on 25 February 2008, the Parties signed a Common Aviation Area Agreement on 2 December 2010.

This comprehensive agreement will allow all EU and Georgian airlines to operate direct flights between any airport in the EU and Georgia. Beyond market opening, the agreement also provides a modern framework and high standards for a wide range of aviation issues, such as passenger rights, air traffic management, economic regulation, competition issues or social aspects. As a result of the agreement, Georgia's legislation will be progressively aligned with European standards in areas such as aviation safety, security, environment, consumer protection, air traffic management, competition issues and social aspects. It thereby delivers mutual benefits, provides a platform to take EU-Georgia aviation relations to a new level and serves to build an ambitious – both broad and deep – aviation partnership.

Given that all Member States ratified the Agreement, it should enter into force once all EU internal procedure is finalised.

For further information and figures on EU-Georgia aviation relations and EU aviation in general, please consult the Atlas of the Sky.


External relations with Georgia

European Neighbourhood Policy

Horizontal Agreements