European Commission
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
Directorate E - Aviation
Unit E3 – Single European Sky
Head of Unit: Christine BERG (+32 (0) 2 299 19 22)
SESAR Team Leader: Erki Must (+32 (0) 2 299 00 60)
MOVE-E3-SINGLE-SKY-UNITec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MOVE-E3-SINGLE-SKY-UNIT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
SESAR Joint Undertaking contacts
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
1000 Brussels (Belgium)
tel. +32 (0) 2 507 80 00
fax +32 (0) 2 507 80 01
infosesarju [dot] eu (info[at]sesarju[dot]eu)
Executive Director: Andreas Boschen
SESAR Deployment Manager
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
1000 Brussels (Belgium)
tel. +32 (0) 2 793 07 57
infosesardeploymentmanager [dot] eu (info[at]sesardeploymentmanager[dot]eu)
General Manager: Mariagrazia La Piscopia