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- Boatmasters' licence: Inland-waterway boatmasters'certificate for use on the Rhine
- Cabotage: Transport operations between two ports within one and the same country
- Container: Standard-size box used to carry goods
- Combined transport: A complete transport operation involving various modes of transport
- Dead-weight: Total laden mass, in metric tonnes, of a vessel
- Hinterland: All of the regions inland of a sea port and linked to that port by waterways
- Intermodality: Use of several transport modes for a given goods-transport operation
- Interoperability: Suitability of a transport network for movements without breaking bulk
- Linear: Mathematical linear application: its representation in a graph is a straight line passing through the reference-point origin
- Old for new: A method of regulating capacity whereby the owner of a vessel which is to be placed in service either scraps old vessel tonnage or pays a special contribution
- Pushed lighter: Lighters are tethered together in convoys that are propelled by a pusher craft
- Pushed convoy: Formed by converting a former self-propelled barge into a lighter and placing it in front of a self-propelled barge or by locating one (or several) lighters in front of a pusher craft (all combinations are possible within the limits of lock dimensions)
- Pusher craft: Powered craft used solely for pushing purposes
- Ratio: Ratio used as part of the old for new system
- Rota system: System of inland-waterways chartering consisting of distributing customer requests for transport according to the order in which vessels become available after unloading and have been registered by their owners at a charter clearing house. The prices in this system are set by the public authority and the conditions applying to the transport operations supplied.
- Self-propelled barge: Powered inland-waterway vessel
- Special contributions: As part of the old-for-new rule which applies when a new vessel is placed in service, the owner has the choice of making a cash payment or scrapping a vessel in compensation.
- Serious Market crisis: Defined in Council Directive 96/75/EC of 19 November 1996: the emergence, in the inland waterway transport market, of problems specific to that market likely to cause a serious and potentially persistent excess of supply over demand, thereby posing a serious threat to the financial stability and survival of a large number of inland waterway carriers, unless the short and medium term forecasts for the market in question indicate substantial and lasting improvements
- Scrapping: Dismantling an inland-waterway vessel in order to make it completely unusable for transport purposes
- Towed barge: Unpowered inland waterway vessel
- Tonne-kilometre: Unit used to measure freight traffic corresponding to the carriage of one tonne for one kilometre
- Transit: Carriage of goods from one country to another through a country where no stop is made