Revision of NAIADES - European Commission
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Revision of NAIADES

The European Commission has taken a step towards a substantial revision of NAIADES, the action programme in support of inland waterway transport, running until 2013. The revision of NAIADES will focus on concrete actions which will help realising the

The European Commission has taken a step towards a substantial revision of NAIADES, the action programme in support of inland waterway transport, running until 2013. The revision of NAIADES will focus on concrete actions which will help realising the potential of inland waterway transport and boost its contribution to sustainable and efficient transport.

Inland waterway transport is a safe mode of transport with low costs, a lot of spare capacity, no congestion, low noise levels and low energy consumption and carbon footprint.

The revision of the NAIADES action programme is expected to lead to the adoption of the NAIADES II Communication foreseen in 2013. In its Staff Working Paper, the Commission Services presented concrete actions under preparation:

1. Infrastructure - planned actions for inland navigation under the existing programmes and under the forthcoming instruments of the next multi-annual financial framework for the period 2014-2020 (financial and technical assistance);

2. Market - assistance for integrating inland waterways into the multimodal logistic chains; financial incentives for inland navigation;

3. Fleet - measures to reduce emissions (for example standards);

4. Jobs and skills - actions aimed at increasing harmonisation of standards for professional training and certification.

5. Information exchange and sharing - review of the River Information Services policy.

Staff Working Paper: "Towards NAIADES II" - Promoting, greening and integrating inland waterway transport in the single EU transport area

NAIADES Action Programme (2006-2013)

NAIADES is an integrated European action programme for inland waterway transport.

On 17 January 2006, the European Commission adopted a Communication on the promotion of inland waterway transport. The NAIADES Action Programme was intended for the period 2006-2013 and focused on five strategic areas for a comprehensive Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) policy: market, fllet, jobs and skills, image and infrastructure. These measures are rounded off by reflections on an appropriate organisational structure.

Issues being addressed under NAIADES include working time arrangements, professional qualification requirements, the examination of administrative and regulatory barriers, the adoption of innovative technologies, such as the River Information Services (RIS), and infrastructure improvements.

New arrangement to enhance inland navigation in the European Union

The Director-General for mobility and transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE) and the Secretary General of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) signed on 22 May, in Brussels, an administrative arrangement which fosters the cooperation between the two institutions. Their common objectives are to ensure the optimal functioning of the market for inland navigation and to remove obstacles that prevent a broader use of this mode of transport.

Read the press release

Administrative arrangement: EN

Reports on the 'NAIADES' Action Programme

Mid-term progress report on the implementation of the NAIADES Action Programme for the promotion of inland waterway transport (SEC (2011)453) .

Communication from the Commission - First progress Report on the implementation of the NAIADES Action Programme for the promotion of inland waterway transport [COM(2007)770]


Related documents


Communication from the Commission on the promotion of inland waterway transport - “NAIADES” - An Integrated European Action Programme for Inland Waterway Transport [COM(2006)6]

Annex to the Communication [SEC(2006)34/3]


PINE reports


Naiades expert group

Related documents


Communication from the Commission on the promotion of inland waterway transport - “NAIADES” - An Integrated European Action Programme for Inland Waterway Transport [COM(2006)6]

Annex to the Communication [SEC(2006)34/3]


PINE reports


Naiades expert group