Information on ERTMS can be directly obtained from the European organisations or from specific stakeholders in the different European countries. In this section, the main links and communication activities for both types of information can be found.
Useful links on ERTMS
The following are the most relevant generic links to European organisations’ webpages where useful ERTMS related information can be found. Details on the works of deployment and specific studies carried out in each European country will be found on this website section about each specific corridor.
European bodies
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European ERTMS Coordinator |
Matthias Ruete, the European Coordinator for ERTMS, leads the ERTMS deployment. In this role, he monitors the implementation of ERTMS in the European Union. The activities and work plan of Matthias Ruete are available on the dedicated section of DG MOVE website. |
The ERA is the "system authority" in charge of the ERTMS specifications. This is reflected on its website, which contains extensive information on ERTMS and technical specifications. |
Innovation and networks executive agency. Management of the technical and financial implementation of TEN-T programme. Information about each funded project, its scope and budget, related corridor, deadlines, beneficiaries, etc. |
General ERTMS related websites
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The ERTMS website is managed by UNIFE, the association of the European Rail Industry ( They published a large number of ERTMS press releases on its website (including factsheets, newsletters, etc.). |
UNIFE is the association of the European Rail Industry and includes over 80 companies dedicated to the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transport systems, subsystems and related equipment. |
UNISIG is an industrial consortium which was created to develop the ERTMS/ETCS technical specifications. |
CER website |
The Community of European Railways (CER) includes railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and vehicle leasing companies. Its website contains some information on ERTMS. |
EIM website |
The European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) occasionally publishes information on ERTMS. |
ERTMS users’ group |
The ERTMS users’ group is a European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) formed by a group of several railway administrations, which take part in writing ERTMS specifications. |
UIC website |
UIC, the worldwide organisation for the cooperation of railway companies, publishes a large number of ERTMS documents through the "ERTMS platform". These are made available on their dedicated website section (see link). |
ERFA – European Rail Freight Association |
The members of ERFA represent the entire value chain of rail transportation: rail freight operators, wagon keepers, service providers, forwarders, passenger operators and national rail freight associations. |
Europe’s Rail |
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) is the new European partnership on rail research and innovation established under the Horizon Europe programme (2020-2027) and the universal successor of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking. |