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Mobility and Transport

Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance

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Welcome to the Alliance

Who We Are

Our Vision

Membership Benefits of RLCF Alliance

  • Collaboration & Networking

    Connect with industry leaders.

    Engage in knowledge-sharing.

    Access exclusive events and roundtables.

  • Influence & Impact

    Shape industry initiatives.

    Contribute to sustainability objectives.

  • Resources & Support

    Gain access to project development tools.

    Learn about financial and technical assistance.

Join Us in Our Mission

To become a member of the Alliance, an organisation must sign our declaration, which signifies their dedication to our shared vision. This commitment entails actively contributing to our operational work and collaborating to realise our goals. Together, we aim to make a significant impact on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector, towards the overall objective of a 90% decrease by 2050.

Join the alliance now!

Membership Eligibility

The Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance welcomes a wide range of entities to join our collaborative effort. We believe that the collective strength of diverse stakeholders is essential to achieving our mission. Our membership is open to the following categories:

  • Companies and Organisations: Whether you're an industry leader, a technology provider, or an organisation involved in the value chain of renewable and low-carbon fuels, we encourage your participation.

  • EU Bodies and Agencies: We extend an invitation to EU bodies and agencies that share our vision and objectives.

  • Member States: National and regional authorities have a vital role to play in our mission, and we invite their participation.

  • Local and Regional Authorities and Their Agencies: Local governments and their affiliated agencies are encouraged to become members, contributing to the regional dimensions of our work.

  • Recognised Social Partner Organisations: Organisations recognised as social partners are pivotal in fostering collaboration, and we value their participation.

  • Other Stakeholder Groups: Various stakeholder groups, including academic institutions, research bodies, and other entities, are encouraged to join and bring their expertise to our collaborative platform.

  • Civil Society Organisations: We understand the importance of civil society and its role in shaping sustainable policies and practices. We welcome civil society organisations to join us.

  • Members of Horizon Europe Partnerships: Organisations and entities involved in Horizon Europe Partnerships, particularly those with a focus on sustainable transport, are invited to participate in our alliance.

Our Value Chain

How the Alliance is set up

SAFRAN and Fincianteri are respectively chairing the aviation and maritime chambers for a second year. The General Assemblies discuss and endorse the alliance work plan for the coming year, with operational objectives and milestones proposed by the Steering Group of the Alliance. Members implement the work plan through specific roundtables. Their work is supported by an Alliance Secretariat, which for the first year is run by FuelsEurope, together with Hydrogen Europe.


  1. 6 December 2024
    3rd General Assembly of the RLCF Alliance

    Open to Alliance members

  2. 3-6 September 2024
    RLCF Alliance matchmaking and showcasing at SMM in Hamburg

    Open to Alliance members

  3. 6 June 2024
    RLCF alliance matchmaking and showcasing at ILA Berlin

    Open to Alliance members

  4. 4 April 2024
    RLCF Alliance matchmaking and showcasing at Connect Europe Days
  5. 1 March 2024
    Open call for project proposals to be included in the project pipeline
  6. 16 October 2023
    Second General Assembly meeting

    Participation open to all the Alliance member organisations

    Highlights Report from the General Assembly 

    Slides Deck 

    Endorsed Work Plan for the Alliance for 2023-2024 

  7. 29 March 2023
    Alliance Workshop, open to all alliance members
  8. 21/22 November 2022
    Kick-off meetings of the 4 Roundtables and Election of Chairs
  9. 22 September 2022
    Open call to delegate experts to participate in thematic roundtables
  10. 12 July 2022
    First General Assembly meeting

    Establishment of thematic roundtables

    Highlights Report

  11. 27 June 2022
    Proposal of the framework work plan
  12. 6 April 2022
    Open call for expressions of interest to join the Alliance


1st RLCF Alliance Workshop - highlights report cover page
General publications16 May 2023
1st RLCF Alliance Workshop - highlights report
Highlights from the Alliance Workshop coverpage
General publications28 February 2024
Highlights from the Alliance Workshop


MOVE-RLCF-ALLIANCE-SUPPORT-TEAMatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MOVE-RLCF-ALLIANCE-SUPPORT-TEAM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)