The European Maritime Space is a key component of the trans-European transport network, connecting and integrating maritime transport infrastructure in port areas with the landside network. This includes the creation and upgrading of short-sea shipping routes and the development of maritime ports in all EU Member States and their hinterland connection, including the outermost regions.
The European Maritime Space consists of
- Maritime transport infrastructure within the port area of the TEN-T network, including hinterland connections;
- Actions of wider benefit which are not linked to specific ports and which benefit the European Maritime Space and the maritime industry in general, such as
- support for activities to ensure year-round navigability,
- facilitating the transition to sustainable maritime transport,
- improving synergies between transport and energy, inter alia by promoting the role of ports as energy hubs and supporting the energy transition,
- ICT systems for transport and hydrographic surveying;
- promoting sustainable and resilient short sea shipping links, in particular those which concentrate freight flows in order to reduce negative external costs such as emissions and congestion caused by road transport within the Union, and those which improve access to the outermost and other remote, insular and peripheral regions through the establishment or improvement of sustainable, regular and frequent maritime services.
The aim is to ensure an efficient, viable and sustainable integration of maritime transport with other transport modes. The EMS seeks in particular to:
- Connect and integrate maritime infrastructure in port areas with the landside network;
- Develop and improve short sea shipping routes;
- Expand and improve maritime port infrastructure and hinterland connections throughout the EU, including the outermost regions;
- Integrate renewable energy sources such as offshore wind into maritime infrastructure.
By improving the connectivity and integration of maritime transport into the wider EU transport network, the EMS aims to support the development of a seamless, sustainable, efficient, and resilient multimodal transport system across the Europe.
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European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space, Gesine Meissner
Ms. Gesine Meissner, born on 22 February 1952, in Uelzen, Lower Saxony, Germany, was appointed European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space under the revised trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Regulation inSeptember 2024, succeeding Prof. Kurt Bodewig.
Previous Assignments
2019-04/2024: Member of the Mission Board on Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters
2020-12/2023: Chair of the German National Committee for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
2018-2019: Special Envoy of the President of the European Parliament on Maritime Policy
2015-2019: Chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on Seas, Rivers, Islands, and Coastal Areas (SEARICA)
2009-2019: Member of the European Parliament (MEP), representing Germany in the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) group
2003-2009: Member of the Lower Saxony Regional Parliament and Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Affairs
1993-2003: Freelance Communication and Management Trainer
1980-1993: Deputy Director, Rural Adult Education Lower Saxony Association
1976-1980: Hotel Management and Educator
Ms. Gesine Meissner, European Coordinator
Mr Martin Seidel, Advisor to the European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space
Postal address:
European Maritime Space (EMS) / TEN-T
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
Rue de Mot 28
1049 Brussels