Transport Community - European Commission
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Mobility and Transport

The Transport Community is an international organisation composed of the EU and the six Western Balkan Parties (Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Republic of Serbia). Its key objective is to extend the EU transport market rules, principles and policies to the Western Balkan Parties through a legally binding framework.

Based on the South East European Transport Observatory (SEETO), the organisation was founded by the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, signed on 12 July 2017 in Trieste (Italy) and ratified by all partners (Council Decision (EU) 2019/392). It applies in the field of road, rail, inland waterway and maritime transport and aims also at developing the transport network between the EU and the six Western Balkan Parties.

The Transport Community shall be based on the progressive integration of transport markets of the Western Balkan Parties into the EU transport market on the basis of the relevant acquis, including in the areas of technical standards, interoperability, safety, security, traffic management, social policy, public procurement and environment.

The Transport Community shall develop a rolling work plan for the development of the indicative TEN-T extension of the comprehensive and core networks to the Western Balkans, identifying priority projects of regional interest, which shall contribute to balanced sustainable development in terms of economics, spatial integration, environmental and social impact as well as social cohesion.

The Transport Community is supported by a Permanent Secretariat, based in Belgrade, Serbia. It is tasked to:

  • provide administrative support to the Ministerial Council, the Regional Steering Committee, the technical committees and the Social Forum;
  • act as a Transport Observatory to monitor the performance of the indicative TEN-T extension of the comprehensive and core networks to the Western Balkans;
  • support the implementation of the Western Balkans Six (WB6) Connectivity Agenda aiming to improve links within the Western Balkans as well as between the region and the European Union.

By decision of the Regional Steering Committee (16 January 2019) the Commission will be in charge of implementing the budget and initiating the work of the secretariat until the Permanent Director takes office.

(*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


Information on status, programmes, events, policies and job opportunities can be found on the TCT website: