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Mobility and Transport

European Neighbourhood Policy

Transport Dimension in the European Neighbouring Policy (ENP)

The European Union aims to foster closer relations with its neighbours to the East and South and the North in order to promote prosperity, security and stability. EU transport policy with neighbouring countries, notably at regional level, identifies infrastructure connections and promotes regulatory convergence.

The EU is taking forward transport cooperation with its neighbours to the East (Eastern Partnership) and the South (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean). The objective of the transport cooperation conducted by DG MOVE within the EU neighbourhood policy is to deploy external aspects of internal policies for fostering EU economic growth, in accordance with the ENP's renewed approach set out in the 2011 Communication. EU Transport Ministers endorsed in 2011 this transport cooperation approach.

In the framework of the Northern Dimension policy (shared by the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland), a Transport and Logistics partnership (NDPTL) was set up (2009) with a Support Fund (2012). DG MOVE developed a Northern Dimension regional network, compliant with the revised TEN-T guidelines.


Policy and other related documents

The EU and its neighbouring regions: A renewed approach to transport cooperation – COM(2011) 415

Council conclusions on transport cooperation with the EU's neighbouring regions



DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement negotiations (NEAR)

European External Action Service (EEAS)

The European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)