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Mobility and Transport

Useful Links

These links lead to selected institutions and organisations working on Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe and around the world. Please contact us, if you miss a link.

ERTICO is a multi-sector, public-private partnership with more than 100 members pursuing the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS).

US Department of Transportation – RITA – ITS Joint Program Office
The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) coordinates the U.S. Department of Transportation's research programs and is charged with advancing the deployment of cross-cutting technologies, including Intelligent Transportation Systems.

ITS America
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America is an advocate for technologies that improve the safety, security and efficiency of the surface transportation system. Members are private corporations, public agencies and academic institutions involved in research, development and design of ITS.

ITS Japan
The mission of ITS Japan is to promote research, development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems.

ITS World Congress
The goal of the World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems is to promote awareness and deployment of ITS technologies. With a focus on practical deployment, education and innovation it brings together ITS professionals from around the globe.

ASECAP - - European Association of Motorway Tolling Organisations
ASECAP is the European professional Association of operators of toll road infrastructures. Its mission is to promote toll as the most efficient tool to finance the construction, operation and maintenance of motorways and other major road infrastructures.

PIARC - World Road Association - Technical Committee B2 Road Network Operations
The PIARC Technical Committee on Road Network Operations deals with the issues of management of congested areas, the appropriate use of ITS for an integrated transport system and the management of road corridors. It has issued a handbook on ITS use.

International Road Federation - Policy Committee on ITS
To foster the deployment of ITS by encouraging governments to integrate ITS as a major tool to achieve their transport policy objectives, the IRF has established a high level Policy Committee on ITS.

POLIS - European cities and regions and networking for innovative transport solutions
Polis is a network of European cities and regions from across Europe, which promotes supports and advocates innovation in local transport.

TISA – Traveller Information Services Association
The Traveller Information Services Association (TISA) is a non-profit company to ensure an international framework for market-driven, co-ordinated, proactive implementation of traffic and travel information services based on existing standards such as RDS-TMC and TPEG.

UITP – International Association of Public Transport - Interoperable Fare Management Forum (IFM)
The IFM Forum of UITP is integrated in the EU-funded IFM Project. It works in 2008-2009 on the development of standards for the interoperability of fare management (electronic ticketing).

CEN Technical Committee 278 “Road Transport and Traffic Telematics”
Technical Committee for ITS issues of the European Committee for Standardisation

ETSI Technical Committee "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)"
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute produces globally-applicable standards for information and communications technologies including ITS.

ISO Technical Committee 204 "Intelligent Transport Systems"
This technical committee of the International Organisation for Standardisation deals with standards for information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof.

NAPCORE | National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe
NAPCORE (National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe) is the formed organisation to coordinate and harmonise more than 30 mobility data platforms across Europe, created in the framework of implementing The ITS Directive 2010/40/EU and its Delegated Regulations.

CCAM - European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility
The CCAM (Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility) Partnership is a public private partnership, which aligns all stakeholders’ R&I efforts to accelerate the implementation of innovative CCAM technologies and services in Europe. It aims to exploit the full systemic benefits of new mobility solutions enabled by CCAM: increased safety, reduced environmental impacts, and inclusiveness.