Risk Management Framework - European Commission
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Mobility and Transport

Risk Management Framework

What is the framework?

The framework is composed of the following main components:


  • The Framework guide introduces the governing principles and objectives of the framework as well as the main components the framework;
  • The Guide for risk estimation establishes the harmonised technical steps allowing to perform recognised, traceable and good quality risk estimations, based on currently existing practices;
  • The Guide for decision-making introduces the harmonised decision-making principles and the harmonised decision-making process linked to risk estimations. It also indicates implementation objectives for the quality, the transparency and communication between interested parties;
  • The Glossary lists the definitions that are used by the framework, including legal and normative pre-existing definitions and supplementing these definitions, where necessary, for the good understanding of the framework.

Reference material

The reference material is composed with various technical documents and reference data. It aims at assisting users in the implementation of the framework.

Reference materials are suggestions to users of the framework who remain fully responsible for its correct implementation.

When relevant material is missing or not relevant for a specific user case, the users of the framework are invited to use their own relevant information/data and, when possible, to further improve the public reference material through the continual improvement process of the framework.

Continual improvement process

The framework is natively embedding a continual improvement process implemented by the Expert Users and Development Group (EUDG) under the supervision of DG MOVE and the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA).

This process aims at updating the framework itself and the reference material taking into account scientific and technical progress.